January 2024 Beacon

A Message from Chaplain Mark Javery

Since the last Beacon was published many in our NCYC family have suffered and are dealing with the pain of loss of a loved one. On December 25 th P/C Bill Bauer passed away. Surviving in our Club family are his wife Sandy, P/C Denise & Tom Huntley, Director Melissa and Clayton Winkler, as well as their entire families. On December 30 th Susan Martin passed away. Surviving in our Club family is her husband, Tom.

On January 3 rd P/C Paul Jarvis passed away. Surviving in our Club family is his wife, Cathy.

I am reminded in The Semon on the Mount where Jesus Christ said, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Allow Christ to use you and surround these NCYC families with your love and support. Reach out however you find appropriate now and throughout the coming months. Uphold them in your prayers! My hope is that all in our membership over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday seasons had quality time with their families and as always took time to reflect and thank God for all His loving gifts to us. Every breath we take, every moment of existence is a grace from Him. The greatest gift being that of forgiveness and salvation through his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

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