July Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes June 13, 2024 Page 9 of 10
Proposed Policy Changes:
3) Annual Dues Payment
i. Current: Establish January 31 as the date payable for annual dues amount. Annual dues amount paid after March 1 are subject to a 25% late charge.
ii. Proposed: Establish January 31 as the date payable for annual dues amount. Annual dues amount paid after February 1 are subject to a 25% late charge.
Motion: Shelley Sweier to propose change. Second: Christa Betts. Motion Carried
4) Annual Dues Payment iii. Current: As required under Article V, Section 2, if the annual dues amount is not paid by March 1, membership privileges are suspended. Further, if full amount owed (including late charge) is not paid by March 1, it is the duty of the Board of Directors to expel such Member. iv. Proposed: As required under Article V, Section 2, of the NCYC By-Laws, if the annual dues amount is not paid by March 1 (30 days), membership privileges are suspended. Further, if full amount owed (including late charge) is not paid by April 1 (60 days), it is the duty of the Board of Directors to expel such Member.
Motion: Shelley Sweier to propose change. Second: Philip Maniaci. Motion Carried
5) Policy for Late Fees and NSF Charges (first sentence)
i. Current: Any Member in arrears for dues 30 days after they become payable shall be assessed a late charge as determined annually by the NCYC Board of Directors. ii. Proposed: Any Member in arrears for dues after February 1, or when they become payable, shall be assessed a late charge as determined annually by the NCYC Board of Directors.
Motion: Shelley Sweier to propose change. Second: Shelly Schroka. Motion Carried
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