July Beacon
Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt
Summer is finally here and it seems to be flying by at the same time.
SAVE THE DATE – The 2025 Commodore ball has been booked for the weekend of January. 10-12 2025 at the St Clair Inn. We will be having a Friday night event at the War Water Brewery as well. We have a block of rooms with special pricing. It is limited so please get your reservations in ASAP. More details to follow. A shout-out and thank you to Randy and Linda Pagel for doing such a great job over the holiday weekend, and a special thank you for providing the entertainment. Now that the club is open and many people are coming and going, here are some friendly reminders to our members and their guests. 1. Pets - all pets need to always be on a leash. PooPoo - there are 3 locations on the island with PooPoo bags and trash cans. Please clean up after your pet. 2. The club is your club and our club, all workers are volunteers doing their best. Please be kind and patient with them. 3. It is everyone’s job to keep the island neat and clean. 4. Garbage cans are for NCYC trash, debris and garbage from your boat are NOT allowed to be put into trash cans on the island. Our mainland dumpster is emptied twice a week and is full and/or overflowing on many days. 5. All guests on the island must be accompanied by a club member. 6. All guests must be signed in shortly after arriving on the island and they are only allowed to get drinks at the bar if they have a gift card, which the member can purchase for them. 7. And finally, be safe, have fun, and enjoy the island. 뇉뇄뇅뇆뇇뇈뇊 Vice Commodore Bill Burkhardt
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