NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 9
Activities - Kim Miedema No Report
Clubhouse - PC Hugh Vestal The ventilation is on track. Everything is good.
Harbor & Grounds – Don Reiss Harbor and Grounds is over budget due to needing two ice clusters instead of one. There was also tie backs and piling replacements included in the cost. During the work on the island one of the power pedestals was damaged. Don noted that he has done some investigation on replacing the pedestals, since they are so old. There was a discussion held on how to proceed with this need. Membership- Brian Malik Brian participated in the meeting by teleconference. He indicated that the dues are coming in. He will put a spreadsheet together for Frank. There are five people waiting to be interviewed. Brett handed out the application to Board members to do the interviews. Publications- Brent Malik Nothing to report until the beginning of March. I will be sending out emails and fan outs to renew ads. I will be working on recruiting new customers for ads in the Beacon. I also will be working on updating the web, Beacon and Roster.
Secretary – Randy Pagel Flowers were sent to PC Edgar Atnip for the loss of his mother.
Supplies- Ian Blackburn Just wanted to say thanks for being voted in as a Director and looking forward to doing a good job.
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