NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

11 January, 2018

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ABYA has ½ off tickets to this year’s Detroit Boat show February 17th – 25th. Contact Ed Bolsendahl via the ABYA website for this. Correspondence All None CURRENT BUSINESS Activities – Tom Martin No report. Club House – Scott Greenfelder No report Harbor & Grounds – Tom Altobelli No report Membership – Debbie Siwek Membership packets have been mailed out and we’re starting to receive some payments. There are three members who still have not paid their work or pay obligation: Charlie Cook, Rick Brown and Samantha Richardson. All have been contacted and have responded that the funds are coming. There are 4 people on the waiting list: Kevin Rae, Linda Mae, Gerry and Susan Piccinin, Roger and Margaret Odette Resignations: Dan Pienta and his son Brad Pienta (Jr member). Motion to approve Debbie Siwek, seconded by Tom Martin. Motion Carried. Joe Lewandoski and Charlie Cook have requested LOA. Letter for the request was submitted by Charlie. Motion was made to accept Charlie’s LOA by Darryl Campbell, seconded by Scott Greenfelder. Motion Carried. Joe’s LOA was not approved as a formal request has yet to be received. There is a formal NCYC LOA document that members who go on LOA are supposed to get. Explains guidelines (i.e. can’t come to the club, still owe $50, etc.). Need to make sure this is sent to members requesting LOA. Commodore Pagel asked if any of the new member candidates have had their interviews scheduled? Debbie indicated it is recommended to wait until February for this. Debbie will bring all the applications in for the February meeting and they will get divided up for the interviews. Debbie received a letter from P/C Edgar Atnip requesting to go to Sr. Boating status. Edgar also sent in a request to have Mike Riehl changed to Sr. Boating status as well. The board indicated Mike will have to be the one requesting this. It was mentioned that member candidates Dave and Vicky Cook have submitted a $250 initial deposit, but their name was not mentioned as being on the waiting list. P/C Carroll clarified the process: the potential members first submit a nonrefundable $250 initiation fee deposit. At the

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