Therearea fewmembers already this year that deservementionand recognition for their efforts inaddingvalue toNorthChannel. Value itself comes inmany forms and is not always in the traditional sense. The following folkshave shown their prideand interest inour Club. P/C Rick and Jill Romatzwearmany hats hereat NCYC and their interestsarewide. I want to thank them for another seasonof bowling they organizedwhichbrings somany of our members together during theoff-season. Jeff Edgerlyandhis team take to the slopesat ShantyCreekResorts also in theoff-season. Heorganizesa ski/snowmobileweekend that gets our folks out andadds to the fact that we area ‘year-round’ Club toutingactivities that pique the interest ofmost everyone. Inadifferent facet of value that I referred to is a couple I’d like to thank for their interest andpride inour Club. HythamandNancyAljidaaremembers of a few years now. Always ready to helpwith whatever is asked, HythamandNancyenjoy Island visitswith their family.Most recently, with theManagers’ Apt. upgradeat hand, Hythamsaw theoutmodedkitchenand cabinets inneed of care. With the skill of owningandoperatinghis own cabinet company, hehand-madeand installed cabinetsand countertops that you cannow seewitha visit upstairs to theapartment.

It is humbling to seehow folks like these I havementionedgive so freely of themselves to this Clubof ours. ThankYou. Thank you so verymuch.

Time togetmy reservations in for theSteer Roast.Get your work at homedone, your boat polishedand in thewater andmeetme for FittingOut 2014.

Let TheGoodTimesRoll,

JohnAnderson NCYCCommodore2014

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