NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes

8 March 2018

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John Mantyk wants to take on the project of taking down the ceiling on second floor hallway as it’s in bad shape. Commodore Pagel asked why not put a lay-in ceiling? Would rather have him take on the project of replacing the floor under the ice machine. Harbor & Grounds Tom Altobelli Talked to Tom Stackpoole and he will continue to handle the club grounds. Made contact with 2 landscapers to replace sprinkler heads in the flower beds. Tom wants to do a Fanout for certain skilled projects needing done this spring – wants to make sure we get the right people on the work party weekends he needs them at. One example is the 50-amp electrical hook-up on D dock. Ron will help with the Fanout. Membership Debbie Siwek We have 229 members, 16 on waiting list. LOA Dave Trendell Resignations: Allison Weishaupt Gerald Snowden Donna Glick Tony Serra Sent letter to Doug Volser to terminate membership. Needs to pay $300 in late fees to remain in good standings. Passed out interview applications and scheduled interviews for all on waiting list. Dale Hall indicated Michael and Teresa Kelly will be getting Debbie an application for membership. Publications – Ron Draper Draft roster ready for board and flag to review in the next weeks. Ad for extra roster is working, got 8 requested. Brian says we need to figure out Club Express bank account. Secretary – Glenn Nixon • Latest weekend OD and worker schedule snapshot full master spreadsheet sent to full board for review 3/8 am. Status of the worker schedule: o Total budget for the season = 2,696 hours, current scheduled = 2560 hours, so short by 136 hours. I have not done a full reconciliation yet so I don't have the list of who should be scheduled but are not yet scheduled. I will have this list and new snapshot for the April meeting. o There are 5 weekends still lacking a full complement of workers - Fringer, Greenfelder, Martin, Nixon and Siwek. As last year, the most critical shortage is Labor Day weekend (Greenfelder) o There are 4 weekends more than 8 hours over budget - Carroll, Carnaghi, McHugh and Draper. If I cannot fill the shortage weekends by end of March, I will be contacting these ODs for ideas who on their weekend could shift to weekends with shortage.

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