Microsoft Word - April Cover
Dear NCYC Members, It has started, many members were at the club geƫng the old girl ready for the summer. In just a few short weeks the harbor will be full and so will the gazabo. The Finns are geƫng tuned up, the kitchen cleaned, and the bar stocked. Now is a great Ɵme to get in your spring/fall hours, so please join us. I have included a updated list of the AcƟviƟes so you can put them on you calendar early. It is one of the many things that make this NCYC the best club on the Great Lakes. I hope you find this helpful, and we see you soon at the club.
2024 AcƟviƟes Calendar
April - 20
Elite Brigade Weekend / NCYC Bowling League
April - 27
Elite Brigade Weekend
May - 4
Elite Brigade Weekend
1 st Spring Work Party
May - 11
2 nd Spring Work Party
May 18
May 19 - 24
Week leading up to Club Opening.
May 25 -27
Memorial / Fiƫng out Weekend / Flag Raising
May 31 - June 2
ABYA Spring Dinner Dance
June 7 - 9
Open Weekend
June 14 - 16
Surf & Turf
June 16 - 21
Ladies Week
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