Microsoft Word - April Cover
Commodore’s Comments: PC Rick Romatz Hello NCYC Members,
I hope all is well with you and your families. As we move into April with this great weather, we have had with an early spring I’m sure all of you are like us getting excited to get the boats ready for the water and get this 2024 boating season underway, With that being said it’s also time to wake up the old girl “North Channel Yacht Club Island and Clubhouse” and get our Paradise in the Sun ready for a great 2024 season. April 13th starts our Elite Brigade weekend through May 4th, followed by the 2 work parties May 11th and May 18th to get the Girl ready for opening weekend May 24th. So, mark your Calendars and make some time to come on out and join us. It’s a great time, a good way to make new friends and a good opportunity to fulfill your 4 hr Spring or Fall work obligations. The Flag and Board of Directors are hard at work putting the plans together for our spring Elite and spring work parties together Harbor and Grounds director John O’Leary and Clubhouse director Bill Frederiksen have their spring project and opening of the club duty schedules and list ready. The Fin leaves the dock at 8-9 am we get as much work completed by 12-1 o’clock when lunch is served. My wife Jill our 1st Lady and a team have some awesome ideas for some great rewarding lunches planned for these 6 Saturday’s getting the girl ready. Our Fleet Captains Shelly and Gary Schroka are busy getting the plans together for the 2024 Rendezvous watch for future notifications with details and if you have any questions feel free to reach out to them.
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