Microsoft Word - NCYC Roster - V1

B. Serve on the Board of Directors, with the general responsibilities of Board members in accordance with Board Policies and Procedures. C. To serve as coordinator of all activities as Chairman of Forward Planning Committee and other committees assigned by the Commodore and Vice Commodore. D. Assist Supplies, Publications and Activity Directors with planning, budgeting and operations, as set forth in Board Policies and Procedures.

Revised: October 2019

Section 4. Fleet Captain and or Safety Officer. A. To plan all Club boating activities.

B. To report any safety violations to the officer in command.

Section 5. Board of Directors. A. Shall have the entire control and management of the business, property and all affairs of the Club, and are responsible for the enforcement of the By-Laws. All interpretations of the By-Laws, where

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