North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

Commodore and moved through the Flag seats until I was Commodore in 2004. My mission is to support the continuation of this club’s respectful tradition, to promote health, safety, fun, and respect for all participants in its membership and most of all to maintain The North Channel ‘Spirit.” My motto is “People who play and work together . . . stay together” therefore my wish for this year is that we have some good, clean, and heartfelt fun while relaxing on our “Island in the Sun!” Here We Go Again! Jill and I along with our family would like to express our appreciation to the Flag, Board of Directors, and the Membership for their continued support Thank You for giving us the opportunity to serve on the Flag and Board of Directors for a 2nd time. “Even more in 2024”. I could not be prouder than to represent this Awesome Club as Vice Commodore in 2023. We will Cherish the many Friendships that we have made and continue to make for the rest of our lives.

Respectfully Vice Commodore PC Rick Romatz


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