North Channel Yacht Club Membership Roster 2022

Section IV:



Shall assist the President in performing her duties, officiate in the absence of the President and may countersign checks with the Treasurer when necessary. Shall be responsible for the maintenance of the Mentor Program – a program designed to pair new members with current First Mates. Duties will include obtaining from the NCYC Membership Chairman a list of all those to be interviewed for eligibility to the Club; attempting to ascertain that a First Mate (preferably a Board Member) will be in attendance at the interview; and the selection of a First Mate to function as the mentor-sponsor for the first year. Shall prepare Special Project Budget for the following year to be included in the Treasurer’s Report and submitted to the Board of Directors for approval. Shall reside as Chairperson for Budget Committee for current year. Shall keep all records of the Board and General Membership Meetings. Shall submit minutes of Board of Directors meeting to Board of Directors for approval. Shall submit General Membership Meeting minutes to the General Membership for approval. RECORDING SECRETARY




Section V:




Section VI:



Shall make all collections for the organization as directed by the Board of Directors. Shall establish a FIRST MATES CLUB Checking Account consisting of President, Vice President and Treasurer of which any two signatures are required. Shall pay all bills by 278

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