November Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6
Commodore’s Comments
Commodore, Don Vanover
In order to have a meeting before the General Membership meeting in November, the next Board of Directors meeting will be November 5, 2013. Thanks to everyone that participated in the Haul Out celebration. To those that did not, you missed a good one. Don read excerpts from the Directors Oath that each board member takes at the beginning of their term. Welcome to the new board members and I look forward to working with you next year.
Vice-Commodore’s Comments
Vice Commodore, John Anderson
I will be sending a fan out looking for help for the work parties. Please look over your budget for this year and see if you want to make any adjustments for next year. Make notes on your budget sheet and return to me as soon as possible.
Rear-Commodore’s Comments
Rear Commodore, Brian McEvoy
No Report. Absent excused.
Financial Report
Treasurer, Chuck Stroh
No financial report since I got approval at the General Membership Meeting on October 5. The budget reports with past years and actuals were distributed to the directors to make any adjustments for next year. Activities does not have a budget report because we don’t want to count on that money since we can’t predict what it will be. PC Hugh Vestal stated that activities should be in the budget. It will go to the budget committee to decide. Art Brooks requested to attend the budget meeting. Request granted. P/C Tom McHugh Midland Rendezvous will be held on March 7,8,9th. The Commodore Ball will be held on December 7, 2013. The ABYA meeting held on Sunday, October 6 was supposed to have a speaker from the Federal Government to talk about clean water, but he failed to show because of the government shutdown. Tom said that the paperwork was sent in to the IRS for our raffle license. Now we just have to wait for a response. ABYA Report
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