NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 8
PC Harley asked the Board to address the issue of who can stay in the managers apartment. A discussion was held. PC Rick Romatz will take it to the by-law committee to write the language for the Board to approve.
Good of the Order: Kim Miedema reviewed the verbiage of NCYC rules on the back of the dockage slips for incoming rendezvous. Discussion followed. Kim will send the slips to the printer this week. Kim reported on the Mi Boating Industries Association meeting: Larry and I took one for the team July 14th and attended the meeting that is required to get a significant discount through Hanover Insurance. It was very interesting. The association is fighting hard to keep the Ethanol out of marine fuel. Last month there was a hearing in Congress on the ethanol mandate. We should all contact our congress representatives to share how we feel. There was also a presentation on summer blend fuel vs winter blend. The government mandates pumps are changed in May and October. The owners of the pumps are fined significantly if they do not comply. The pump owners want to change this mandate because otherwise tanks have to be drained or be fined in June. An interesting observation is that if we fill up for winter storage in October, we are putting in winter blend to run the following summer. Another thing to write to your congressman about! Hanover gave a presentation on keeping insurance losses down. There was a couple items that are worth noting. 1) All buildings should have a clear emergency plan made ahead of a disaster on how to get out of a burning building. 2) We should all have insurance phone numbers readily available in case of an issue so the loss is handled properly. (Should we add this to the OD book?) 3) They suggested garbage cans should be metal with metal lids. If something should start fire in the can, the top would snuff it out before it got out of control. I thought of our patio area with the cigarette butts. The example given was rags from solvents, and we may have that by the garage? Perhaps we should change these cans out? It's a simple thing that makes sense. PC Ken Smith stated that there should be a way for the Managers and OD's to identify who paid and for how long for the incoming rendezvous. Discussion followed. Member of the Month: RC Pat Carroll nominated Tom and Judy McHugh for members of the month. RC Pat Carroll to write the article. Motion: Moved by RC Pat Carroll to accept the nomination. Seconded by PC Hugh Vestal. Motion Carried.
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