October 2014 BEACON

NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7

insurance for incoming rendezvous, such as Lions Club and Selfridge. It was stated that we used to do that but it was deemed to be unnecessary. This will be looked into again.

• Transportation – Pat Carroll Fins are running great.

• Fleet Captain - Ian Blackburn No Report


OLD BUSINESS a. Topic #1 - A discussion was held on the walkway by the Boatique. It was discussed on how to fix it and make it look good. There is some question on how to proceed with the walkway since there are many problems with replacing it. The board decided that a quick decision on what to do was not prudent. The patio in front of the Boatique will be replaced, but the walkway is put on hold for now.

b. Topic #2 - The generator was purchased, but no delivery date has been set.

c. Topic #3 – The Forward Planning Committee needed one more candidate. Steve Martin volunteered to fill the position. Motion: Moved by RC Chuck Stroh to accept Steve Martin for the Forward Planning Committee. Seconded by Don Reiss. Motion Carried. d. Topic #4 – Randy Pagel stated that he needed someone to accept the returning ballots since he is running for office and he did not think it appropriate to accept the ballots. Motion: Moved by RC Chuck Stroh to have Don Reiss to fill in for Secretary Randy and collect the ballots. Seconded by Bob Carnaghi. Motion Carried. e. Commodore John deferred the Election Procedures Review to a special meeting to be held on the Island at 10:00 am on September 13th.

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