October 2014 BEACON
Dang, fall is officially here, I had to ask myself, where the heck did summer go? Then I thought well, that was 20 club weekends. Then I count what I have missed this year. Sandi and I enjoyed the two away rendezvous and the Commodore’s cruise which was three weekends gone. Then as many of you know, Sandi lost both of her parents over the last 6 months in Illinois. Unfortunately, that took numerous more weekends away from the cub as well. Then I understand where the summer went. We had a great slate of candidates for the 2015 Board and Flag this year. I want to share my heart-felt thanks to those that were not successful this year and ask you to please consider running again next year, I had to run twice myself to get on the board.
Congratulations to the Flag and Board winners, Pat Carroll, Darryl Campbell, Ian Blackburn, Kim Miedema, and Brian Malik as well as Kevin Verkest for Cash Reserve. The Board and Flag have so much to do and I look forward to working with all of them in 2015! I would be remiss if I didn’t take the time to thank all of the OD’s, week managers, Fleet, and all of the event leaders and their teams, that so selflessly donated their time to ensure that the membership had a great time and could enjoy the island, their friends, and family. Thanks to each and everyone of you! The work parties have started and it never ceases to amaze me how much the teams get accomplished each outing, great job! Also, the Kitchen floor project got kicked off with the removal of the water damaged flooring. Thanks to Ian Blackburn and Chris Strzyewski for their hard work. The damage was over a larger surface area than we had expected. However, the good news is that no structural damage occurred. Some new sub floor and a retile job and we will be back in business. Thanks to Jill Romatz again, and again, and again! We still have the winter bowling to keep us all connected. Come out to the Total Sports bowling alley and say hi to your friends and enjoy a cocktail even if you don’t bowl, it is a great time. Make sure you save the dates for the November membership meeting at Barrister’s Garden and the Commodore’s Ball in January at the Concord Inn in Mt Clemens. See you soon, R/C Chuck Stroh
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