October Beacon
NCYC Regular Meeting Minutes
22 August 2012
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Vice-Commodore’s Comments Vice Commodore, John Anderson I want to say Thank You to each and every one of you, a truly great job you all have been doing this year. Our increase in membership shows it. The smiles on the faces of our members show it. What I would like to encourage right now is to stand up and back the candidates that are putting forth their efforts to run for our club. It's important to us, important to them, give them a pat on the back, give them some advice if they choose to listen to you. Let's have a good election. Rear-Commodore’s Comments Rear Commodore, Brian McEvoy Well, we're in the second half of the year. Got a lot of good weekends left, got a lot of nice activities coming up. Renee and I are going to try our best to enjoy as many weekends as possible the rest of this year. Membership, new members is way up which is a great thing but also pose some problems that we have to watch for that we thought was coming and that is the times when the outer harbor or the entire marina is full. We recently had a situation where members had to go out to guest wells when they came in late on Saturday. I think we have to look at our guest policy and define it, make sure all the members know it and in particular OD's. Guest, Brian Michel Brian brought a hand out showing how many work hours have been assigned to each weekend OD. He wanted to bring to the Board's attention the work schedule and primarily the work hours. Some weekends are well over loaded with hours and others are slighted. Example: One weekend had 192 scheduled working hours and another only had 88. The point being the work schedule should be set according to how many hours each member has to work rather than when each member wants to work. The work schedule has fallen into the members hands, "I want to work with my friend". The policy is if you can't work your weekend, you have to find someone to take your place. Discussion followed. Weekend Scheduling Policy P/C John Dickson presented the list of proposed candidates nominated for the 2013 election by the Nominating Committee of P/C John Dickson-Chair, P/C Gary Barnard, P/C Scott Bell, P/C Bill Hendricks and Al Durand-past Board of Director. Observation: When it comes to Rear Commodore there are only so many people who qualify because you have to be a previous Board member. When we started listing names we came down to about 27-28 people and probably 2/3 of those people do not have the time or desire to step into the position. So it is important to stress upon the mew members to get involved. Nominating Committee Report Nominating Committee Chairman, P/C John Dickson
Proposed Nominations 2014 2014 Commodore Vice Commodore John Anderson - 2003
2014 Vice Commodore Rear Commodore - Brian McEvoy - 2000
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