October Beacon
It’s Haul-Out time! Alright, where did the time go? Seems like we just opened up the club a couple of weeks ago and here it is time to start thinking about closing her up for the winter ahead. We will have two weekends to shut things down. Please come out and lend a hand. It’ll make things easier and we’ll get things put away faster. We will be shutting down the water system October 19 th , our last work party for the season. Thank you in advance for your help. I’d like to thank all of the candidates for their commitment to NCYC and wish them luck in this year’s election. Our annual election will be held October 5 th followed by a special party planned by the Siwek family.
September was full of great events and thanks to everyone that helped and took part in them. A special thanks to Our First Mates for Labor Day, P/C Rick and Jill Romatz for the Kid’s Campout, Ron Latowski and P/C Tom McHugh for the Smoke On the Water cook-off and to our Fleet Captains, Greg and Yvonne Murray for once again, ( for the fourth time) hosted another successful rendezvous, held this time, at NCYC. We had a great, fun packed weekend with great friends. Hats off to Ed Romatz for his last and best attempt at a five point golf shot that won him “Tiger Ed” status for the next year. Shelley Vercnocke was a close second. Please congratulate these two individuals when you see them next. We also had the outdoor under the patio movie night and we were entertained by the cult blockbuster “Rocky Horror Picture Show”, a 1975 musical of sorts that was an amazing hit in the seventies but I failed to see the art in it. Another sign of my age, I suppose. Another good time with friends and with Kim Miedema, leading the crowd participation parts during the movie. Our rendezvous and other events are only as good as what you invest your time in as a member of NCYC. This year was priceless! Thank you for participating.
DATES TO REMEMBER : October 5 th General Membership Meeting @ 1:00 P.M.
October 12 th First Island Shut-Down Party October 19 th Final Island Shut-Down Party November 9 th General Membership Party @ Barrister Gardens 6:00 P.M.
We’ll see you at Haul-Out Commodore Don
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