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11 July 2019

Motion : Moved by John Sweier and seconded by P/C Randy Pagel to make the use of e cigarettes and e vaping forbidden in the NCYC clubhouse. Motion Carried

Swimming Hole Commodore Ian lead a discussion regarding the complete de-energizing of the swimming hole for safety reasons. All power in close proximity to the swimming hole should be turned off and it should be monitored by the electric current detector that has been installed. In addition the swimming hole is to be used for swimming only (no boats). Tom Altobelli lead a discussion regarding the problems the high water is creating. Specifically the dock boards are warping due to the fact the tops are dry and the bottoms are wet. It was decided that Tom and John Sweier will get a plan together to re inforce the docks due to the high water if needed. P/C Randy Pagel lead a discussion regarding the NCYC septic tank and the possibility that we may have to cancel some of the outside events that involve a large number of people which may put a strain on the system due to the high water. Commodore Ian advised that he will check with P/C Hugh Vestal since he has in depth knowledge of the installation and operation of the system. No events will be cancelled unless P/C Hugh advises there may be a problem.

High 5’s None Member of Month None

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Adjo urnment

MOTION: Moved by Frank Corcoran and seconded by Tom Altobelli to adjourn the meeting. Motion Carried.

Next Meeting Date and Time: Thursday August 8 th 7:00pm., Location: Rosie O’Grady’s, Chesterfield MI.

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