Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Autumn 2023
THE EXPERT ask down this typical path leading to an aged care facility. Too many vibrant lives are needlessly ruined by chronic pain and harsh synthetic drugs that are definitely not a sustainable solution. Anyone who’s ever suffered with a bad back, swollen knees, painful & stiff joints, an aching neck and shoulders or even finger joints knows this all too well. Inflammation that’s not effectively addressed leads to a range of chronic health problems including debilitating arthritis and so must be brought under control. Australians everywhere are sick & tired of pathetic supposed pain relief products that fail to deliver. Though until now a seemingly a no-win situation it is indeed possible to break free of chronic pain. Obviously everyone really needs to be eating a clean anti-inflammatory diet to stay strong & well. While food alone is not potent enough, living a truly natural lifestyle will deal with exercise induced pain and retard the aging process, allowing us to keep enjoying way above average vibrant health. An Australian Research team of doctors has developed unique Natural anti-inflammatory formulas (PainGo®) in the form of powerful yet safe Herbal Capsules plus an easy to use Spray that will keep you functioning well again. The secret lies in increasing blood flow plus delivering a strong analgesic effect while dramatically reducing inflammation. PainGo® capsules provide remarkable relief from Osteo/Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, Osteoporosis & even bone-on-bone pain via regular use of the highly refined herbal extracts. In combination with the Spray the results are really amazing. This is great news for many sufferers as the unsafe nature of Paracetamol is finally being exposed. Spray is undoubtedly the best topical delivery, but obviously it must really work or else is pointless. Professionally made PainGo® with its synergistically delivered formulation brings tremendous relief. This then increases as in suspension it powerfully penetrates when used as directed for the 1st 3days. In addition it will even bring out bruising while relieving & reducing painful swelling in only 2 days. Simply tipping herbs & oils into alcohol in typical marketing to take pain away is not good enough.
Q : “I’ve always been active, trained and played sport until acute pain has made it impossible to continue. Now I’m only just managing to play golf and really need to find a solution for my constant pain. I can’t bear the thought of becoming reliant on meds or having surgical replacements like my friends and family, having seen some terribly disappointing results. Are there any effective natural alternatives? I’m in trouble, desperate for help & ready to make whatever changes are necessary” A : In today’s world full of fake foods & a never ending stream of false hope panacea drugs, problems and concerns such as yours are rife. Alarmingly though not surprising, thousands of those doing various forms of physical activity from just 30 upwards are already breaking down in pain and even having their joints replaced – let alone seniors who have neglected being kind to their bodies. The catch cry of the fitness industry “If you don’t move it, you’ll lose it” is certainly true. Many suffer unnecessarily via not heeding this message all the way to losing their independence and seizing up before their time. On the other hand a multitude of individuals overdo it, again suffering painful & premature decline. Striking the delicate balance between an excessive fitness regime and a sedentary lifestyle is the key. Of course a regular exercise program is a crucial part of achieving an overall balanced healthy life. Nevertheless sport, gym workouts, running and in time even distance walking all cause painful inflammation leading to degeneration of connective tissue and progressive loss of mobility. When you’re young & feeling indestructible it’s difficult to receive this truth, but the sooner the better to embrace reality. In the absence of a natural preventative strategy we inevitably all end up suffering the same fate, with only a small percentage ever escaping the pain and enjoying their maximum enduring potential. Most people resort to taking prescription drugs (ALL have side effects) that simply mask problems, or rub in synthetic creams that are in fact toxic to the liver, leading to another long term disaster. Thankfully you're choosing not to go
PainGo® rather has genuine inbuilt integrity to deliver tangible results never before thought possible. To regain, increase, and retain your precious mobility you also need to work from the inside out to not only reduce chronic pain & inflammation, but further restore connective tissue & joint flexibility. Prevention is better than cure to hold back degeneration that robs us of quality of life. It is crucial to work on an ongoing functional & sustainable Natural strategy incorporating synergistic (the team being always best) Glycosaminoglycans + other vital components before bone-on-bone occurs. As per the following recommendations there is never one magic silver bullet remedy. Thank God by making better lifestyle choices you can actually get your life back & escape the pain. Wise people work on preserving & maintaining their body while still are able to, yet tragically the majority break down via being too lazy or unwilling to invest in their own health in order to thrive. Whether young or old, it’s never too early and not too late while still upright & walking to make the choice to improve your fitness & overall quality of life. Enjoy your days ahead 1. Exercise regularly but not excessively – avoid high impact sports for max joint longevity (Jog on soft sand/in ocean, Aqua aerobics, Pilates, stair walking, cycling, swimming & surfing best options) 2.. Reduce inflammation – chronic inflammation → degeneration (Diet, MSM, ICL Prof C, Boswellia, Aust. Org Flaxseed Oil, Curcumin 1300, Org MAQUI Activate, VB Chia Seeds, PainGo® Spray & Caps) 3. Stay well hydrated – min 1.5 litres of real Spring/ filtered water infused with CocoPro Concentrate 3. Preserve, restore & maintain joint integrity – BTC, Joint Essentials, Glucosamine HCL, HB Fish Oil 4. Maintain an alkaline state – acidic environment inflammation (Diet, Aust. Bee Pollen Granules, Green Fusion, Sun Chlorella, Spirulina, Tasmanian Org Cloudy Apple + Pure Georgian Cherry Juices) as you take control to power on! The basic recommendations are:
© 2022 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 34 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is also founder of AUSTRALIA'S OWN Pty Ltd which he has headed since 1994.
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