Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Autumn 2024

Infinite Care welcomes Mandeep Singh

“Aged care is not a job, it is a way of life,” states Mandeep Singh, Facility Manager at Infinite Care Chamberlain Gardens. In 2015, when Mandeep took an IT role in an aged care facility he had decided within a week he was destined to stay on a management role because he loved it so much! “Every day there was a smile and a thank you, and that sense of community service and giving to the seniors was tangible. I wanted to be a part of it,” says Singh. He states he has big plans for the Wyoming home and states, “I plan to take this home back to the glory days where Chamberlain Gardens was a home of choice, and people are happy to leave their loved ones in our care, to be looked after, well fed and well cared for”. The planned café is one example that he knows will bring the community together. Mandeep says that more staff education is a vital component of driving change and he wants to educate the team to stay compassionate and feel they are around their

Get a r oo m ! That’s why we offer rooms for two, keeping you connected to the one you love the most! Our team takes care of everything so you can focus on living your best life together. l ove... At Infinite Care, we love own ‘loved ones’ each day at work. “This is the residents’ house, and we need to be courteous. Staying sensitive to that is important because I strongly believe that the food that lands on my table is because of our residents.” “I value connecting with both staff and residents by being present and approachable,” says Mandeep, having connected with over 100 staff members since joining in December and providing them his personal mobile numbers for easy accessibility. Mandeep strives for an inclusive approach for everyone in the home and we look forward to seeing his influence infiltrate Chamberlain Gardens in all aspects. “I plan to take this home back to the glory days, where Chamberlain Gardens was a home of choice, and where people are happy to leave their loved ones in our care, to be looked after, well fed and well cared for.”

Infinite Care Chamberlain Gardens

Chamberlain Rd, Wyoming

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infin8care.com.au 1800 463 468

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