Central Coast Home & Lifestyle Winter 2021
Special Report - The Real Truth about Honey We all need some help in our hectic lives & a good friend of mine with a humble passion for all things natural who’d just like to be known as Jim, has come to the rescue to provide this article that will surely be a great blessing to all who invest the time to be enriched by this intriguing report. P ardon the pun, all the buzz is everywhere these days re claims & cures from Medicinal healing Honey . showing the genuine antimicrobial activity.
while really containing Chinese irradiated Pollen with the potential to offer hardly any benefit except to possibly cause negative implications , rather than to enhance life as genuine clean Australian pure unadulterated Bee Pollen has the ability to do . Just recently & obviously in fear of imminent repercussions, the unscrupulous marketers have finally divulged online that only what is sold in NZ is locally sourced product , with all else exported being Chinese. Of course consumers being exploited and taken for a deceptive ride for any amount of time is always the worst aspect of any rip-off, though the unbridled blatant unfair competition has also caused much grief, enormous industry damage & resulting losses to Aussie producers as well on all levels. Hopefully the Australian Government will retrospectively now take action against these unlawful practices. In any case, thankfully the truth has finally emerged and those who want the real deal can enjoy the power rather than just a terrible placebo with great marketing & advertising offering false hope. Don’t be surprised if a class action is initiated & it will certainly be great to see justice served & corruption rooted out of the unique Australian Bee Product industry once & for all. By now you’re surely waiting for the good oil on Manuka and & as always there’s the story behind the story. Currently conjecture is rife concerning the exclusive right to use the name, with producers & other players alike looking to the government to come to their rescue in the battle to save the industry. As this goes on, the focus is being taken off the real problem with the actual product across the Tasman. While the practice does happen under certain conditions here in various places at times, it’s common knowledge & more so recently that NZ bees are continually highly sugar fed, thereby elevating levels which are in turn made manifest in the final product that is sold for way more than it’s worth. This presents a real nightmare for NZ Manuka on the world stage and obviously it’s high time for Aussie consumers to make a course correction to return to our own back yard for more than one reason. The other huge problem happening on both sides is the marketing manipulation, “fudging” & purposely confusing ratings designed to bamboozle the average consumer concerning the real activity/potency. MGO has proven to be a marketer’s dream that adds multiple Zeros, but is still often pathetically weak. For example 100MGO = just 5+ yet but gives the impression of being powerful – but not. The true story is that anything under 20+ (400MGO) is still not going to be really any sort of substantially beneficial. The definitely trustable rating is the TA or Total Activity
In WA Honey Hydrogen Peroxide is an active compound + enzymes
The truth is as Solomon once so wisely said “There’s nothing new under the sun” and so science simply continues to slowly catch up with the Natural as “that which is has already been.” Long before any of the sophisticated testing now at hand proved & validated the antimicrobial properties of the delectable gold from the humble Honeybee, the hidden substance of the mysterious sweetness has delighted, nourished & healed multitudes for many generations. Samson, the most famous strong man that ever lived ate Honey & Bee Pollen from a lion (it’s a great read) and yet another super powerful wild man named John virtually lived on wild Honey plus pure Carob in the desert. Nevertheless it’s indeed even far more amazing to consider & know that Jesus served Honeycomb with fish for breakfast after His resurrection – all predicted over 700 years beforehand! Honey has been a genuine preserver & sustainer of vibrant Health throughout the ages especially when real food & powerful Natural remedies are required. Traditionally when all else has failed in treatingulcers in a hospital situation, Honey has always albeit not officially sanctioned by the authorities, been used for the most part by nursing staff as a last resort...yet constantly the effective solution! How bizarre & what a sad reflection of a hugely non-existent duty of care system driven by the love of money. Possessing no negative implications or potential side effects unless consumed in excessive amounts or given to babies before their digestive system is active, Honey is man’s best friend in the food space. Though in the modern day laws call for a shelf life, in reality Honey never deteriorates to cause spoilage. Such is why samples tested from the pyramids of Egypt are still fine to eat today as when harvested thousands of years ago ...try that with another food. As has so often proven to be the case, NZ has marketed their produce way better than Australia as they have claimed one product after another as their own. 1st the Chinese Gooseberry became a Kiwifruit, possums were next transformed into Kiwi Bears as they exported their skins to Asia, then the Kiwi Rose... it’s a Waratah, NSW’s symbol & yes it too was deemed fair game in the commercial marketplace. That said there are of course many reputable & excellent NZ suppliers alike of natural wares. Some things just need to be said & people deserve to know the truth regardless of where the problems are. The classic marketing scam that tops them all is the supposed NZ Pollen in Nature Bee advertised widely here on radio & in various other media for many years now, yet all the
facilitate real antibacterial activity. Again the truth is stranger than fiction and though it’s true NZ has only one variety of Leptospermum while Australia has scores of the species with radically varying potency & some nil microbial activity, WA Active Honeys especially Jarrah, Red Gum, Marri & Karri tick all the boxes as the Natural standouts above the pack, possess unique factors, taste wonderful, offer multiple benefits and are far superior in general, as well as more consumer friendly on the whole than most varieties. Here’s the impressive array of benefits the genuine article offers: * GENUINE GOVT APPROVED TA RATING UNIQUE TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA * 100%CHEMICAL, DISEASE&PESTICIDE FREE, NOT HEAT TREATED WITH NO ADDITIVES * HIGHEST ANTIOXIDANT LEVELS IN BOTH AUSTRALIA & NZ WITH HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ACTIVITY * STRONG ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY VALIDATED BY CERT LABS + CONFIRMED VIA SYDNEY UNIVERSITY * LOW GI & GLUCOSE + HIGH FRUCTOSE = CORRECT INSULIN& CHOLESTEROL BALANCE * NATURALLY PREBIOTIC FOR GOOD BACTERIA BOOST, HEALTHY DIGESTIVE TRACT & MORE * TREAT & HEAL ULCERS, SKIN & STOMACH PROBLEMS * EXCELLENT GARGLE FOR SORE THROATS Bee products and especially Medicinal & active Honeys have really forged ahead globally as everything intrinsically Natural & Organic with real integrity surges to gain the recognition they always deserved yet previously never attained to. ENJOY! JARRAH HONEY THE HEALING HONEY • Conclusive research by Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia has determined the special antimicrobial properties of Jarrah honey. • The high Jarrah antimicrobial data has been independently supported by Molecular Bioscientists working at the University of Sydney. • The antimicrobial quality is measured by the term of ‘Total Activity’ (TA). • Active Jarrah honey is strongly antimicrobial* and scientific laboratories measure and rank its activity. • As a honey drink, optimal antimicrobial activity is produced when honey is diluted to concentrations betw en 30 nd 50%(v/v)# • Jarrah honey can b used to treat wounds, burns and skin infections. It has been scientifically researched andproven tohave ahighpercentage of activity level, making it an excellent choice for dressing golden staphylococcus infections, E.coli and Candida , and ulcerated wounds. PICTURE BEFORE AND AFTER OF TREATMENTS USING JARRAH HONEY OVER A PERIOD OF 28 DAYS
* REPORTED AS HAVING A TOTAL ACTIVITY OF 30.2% (W/V) PHENOL EQUIVALENT IN ‘HONEY HAS AN ANTIFUNGAL EFFECT AGAINST CANDIDA SPECIES’(2006). MEDICAL MYCOLOGY 44,289-291. # The effect of dilution on the rate of hydrogen peroxide production in honey and its implications for wound healing. Journal of Alternative and omplementary Medicine 9(2), 267-273.
© 2021 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 34 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is also founder of AUSTRALIA'S OWN Pty Ltd which he has headed since 1994.
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