Central Coast Magazines Home & Lifestyle Spring 2024

THE EXPERT ask loss, is that of a very short lady who at 50 with 4 children weighed in at an enormous 100kgs. Her motivation was ignited after witnessing the stunning recovery & renewal of a tall, very heavy man named Peter. He presented appearing to be intoxicated, though thank God I was able to look beyond to discern the cause as inflammation in the brain. Experiencing up to 300 seizures daily (30 just on the way down our street) astoundingly they completely resolved in a week, he was soon vibrantly energized to power on to exercise with ease, build muscle and lose 20kgs unhealthy weight in just 6mths! Many times, over the past 40yrs since I embarked on my own Natural Health journey, I’ve enjoyed seeing others become motivated via observing dynamic results in others. And so while wonderful outcomes achieved by individuals such as Pete are of course not sufficient for total validation, the potential of true accounts to inspire & infuse real hope should nevertheless not be discounted by as it were throwing the baby out with the bathwater. Moving back to the height & weight challenged lady (unusually PC of me lol) with my encouraging direction and furthermore without any need to attend a gym (once the kilos began to disappear with renewed vibrant energy she did love to burn up the dance floor which was especially good for her cardio & toning), I was privileged to assist her to an eventual reduction of a massive 50% of her bodyweight down to 50kgs. To lose the equivalent of another person being carried around in the same body speaks for itself as a demonstration of just how transformational & life changing such a tremendously successful result can be. Additionally, & even more impressive is that crucially 3 years later this was still her maintained weight which is the ultimate goal for a genuine healthy outcome. It’s also majorly important to understand that although it is easily possible to cause rapid illogical weight loss that’s really not sustainable, the body will in turn be highly stressed in the process potentially leading to many substantial ensuing future problems. While it's long been common knowledge that yo-yo, dieting is one of the worst-case scenarios for long term health outcomes, the increased risk of succumbing to various degenerative diseases all the way to & including Cancer is not widely known. Those exercising responsible duty of care conversely work on 1st do no harm principles in doing all to either dissuade dieters from falling into or else


The truth about weight loss

Q: I’ve just turned 40 and have been struggling (more like fighting a losing battle) to control my up and down but steadily increasing weight problem since way back in my late teens. Seems no matter what diet I try (there’s been many) on or online “guru” I follow, it all ends up going the same way and I’m rapidly losing hope that I can ever win. Though I exercise until I’m really not enjoying it and try my hardest to go easy on carbs, after so many years without making any real progress, I’m getting very close to giving up. But I do know it will be worse if I do nothing and never move the 20+kg I need to. To be honest, after having gone down so many disappointing paths I’ve become very cynical about the whole weight loss story. Even someone who previously won The Biggest Loser ended up heavier than before he entered the competition. When I heard this, I felt really disheartened and remember thinking what hope is there for me if after all that massive amount of exercise he still went on to fail. I’ve heard you have had great success with helping people like me to not only trim down, but also to really get healthy and stay that way. So, you’re basically my last hope to not end up depressed like most of my overweight friends who now swallow meds just to cope with everyday life. A: Sorry to hear about your painful marathon journey and do appreciate the raw honesty with which you have expressed the tragic cycle of what I call the classic perpetual weight loss/diet treadmill that sadly multitudes never get off. It is indeed right up there with the worst of the worst marketing manipulation. Exploitation of desperation is a term I actually coined relating to Cancer patients, though it’s certainly also very applicable to the worldwide weight loss industry. Intertwined with positive thinking psychobabble (to be positive in the context of reality is sane rationale) the weight loss juggernaut rolls on as it peddles much false hope bringing disappointing outcomes such as yours to date. Hence, with no apology required you are now justifiably yet another one of many disillusioned skeptical consumers not wanting to fall for yet another magic silver marketing bullet that will melt away your excess kilos (the impossible dream). Nevertheless, be encouraged as your situation is definitely redeemable. One exceptional case in point, who serves as a great inspiration to many in relation to weight

to escape this vicious cycle. By implementing ethical practices, weight control becomes a vehicle to positively move forward to achieve ongoing vibrant health & wellbeing. Thankfully there is a commonsense approach that’s realistically achievable. Following is a key fact that most in our predominately overweight society who strive to reduce body fat while gaining/retaining lean muscle to achieve wellness completely miss in the process of being sucked into the typical vortex to consult Dr Google & his ongoing array of mostly US silver-tongued associates. The reality is diets fail & lifestyle wins. In our materialistic society, lifestyle is a word that immediately conjures images of possessions, travel to exotic destinations. Not to mention of course money itself. Ironically at the end of the day it’s not possible to take a single dollar out of this life which in reality is just a vapour in terms of eternity. Nevertheless, while we’re here the ideal natural lifestyle needs to be underpinned by a clean good balanced diet (not rocket science), yet the interpretation of what mainstream experts state this constitutes is so way off beam as to ever produce desired/required sustainable Natural results. Sustainable being the crucial word, for without a commitment to a functional & sustainable lifestyle, the real win simply cannot be expected. More good news is that by employing a lifestyle that both nourishes and is kind to the body, physiological functions are stimulated for more strength, stability & stamina. The basic recommendations are: • Start & finish your day with organic lemon/lime water, BP & Fresh Royal Jelly • Quit sugar & use WA low GI Active Honey plus Pure Ceylon Cinnamon • Stop all processed foods & eat a clean Natural selection incl. Avocado daily • Eat a nutrient dense diet & add Green Fusion, Chlorella & VB Chia Seeds • Include protein with every meal including nuts regularly esp. Pistachios & Walnuts • Drink CocoPro Concentrate in 1.5L pure water + Org Mulberry Juice • Add Org Maqui Berry to Coconut Yoghurt/ shakes/takeCaps or Liquid • Enjoy Organic/Red-tip greenish Bananas, Apples, Kiwifruit & Gojis daily • Exercise regularly but not excessively

14 Home & Lifestyle Magazine | Spring 2024 © 2024 GEOFF GARLINGE Dip. HC MR A (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge is a Certified Health Counsellor, Nutritional and Nutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 35 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with as well as to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. He is also founder of AUSTRALIA'S OWN Pty Ltd which he has headed since 1994.

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