


By Geoff Garlinge

CANCER –even in themodernhigh-tech age we now live in, the very word still strikes fear into the hearts of multitudes receiving a Cancer diagnosis, or else devastated by news of a loved one or close friend’s dilemma. Everyone knows of someone with Cancer & all our lives are being touched by it one way or another. I too have not been exempt, with my beautiful wife Lynda having been diagnosed with aggressive breast Cancer in 2001... then quickly told that she would certainly die within 2 years if she declined chemo, radiation & Tamoxifen (the drug of choice at that time) for the next 5 years. Though I offered my full support regardless of her decision to accept or reject any treatment as per my standard practice, I was nevertheless ecstatic when of her own volition she bravely chose to take the natural course. Thank God she is still alive & cancer free to date after 16 years to encourage & bless others. The fact is however, that despite much advancement in technology & medical science, along with seemingly never-ending promises of wonder drugs and upgrades to pinpoint transference towards reducing the destruction of healthy tissue etc…still the war against Cancer has in the main failed on a momentous scale. Yet we continually hear of the next supposed new pharmaceutical cure that “should be available within 5years”, only to disappear into the proverbial ether... never to be heard of again. Percentages of success are also fudged using the classic 5 year survival rate model in conjunction with statistics on non-lethal Cancers to create the illusion that the war is being won. Conversely, the reality is that an avalanche of new cases are being confirmed around the clock, many of which will tragically decimate & often actually take away life. As a direct consequence of this epic failure to prioritise and really confront the global disaster of epidemic proportions that Cancer indeed is, people remain the collateral damage as multitudes suffer & die daily. However, there is as always good news & light does shine in the midst of the darkness. Whilst it must be first be stated that no guarantees should or can be made (due to the many variables in the human organism, genetic predisposition, dietary intake, stress in its many forms, environmental factors, and indeed the complex & bizarre nature of cancer itself), many people still do actually defy their terrible prognosis to continue well beyond their supposed expiry date.

Educating & thereby empowering and supporting Cancer patients via employing true Nutraceuticals and authentic supplementation in conjunction with a nutrient rich bio-available dietary intake, is the key to implementing a functional & sustainable lifestyle to realise the potential to make a monumental positive impact on quality of life. Cancer sufferers can even be infused with the motivation to fully live and appreciate every breath as the gift it is with an attitude of gratitude. Though sadly most miss it...this is the secret to really living – with or without Cancer. Having had the privilege of supporting Cancer sufferers for well over 20 years now, I’ve seen so many wonderful cases including those diagnosed with multiple metastases, who have continued to enjoy full productive lives way beyond their supposed premature death sentences. In each & every case, these are wise individuals who embrace sound natural principles based on logic, reason, science, & common sense to receive the balanced direction that enables them to make correct lifestyle choices in order to bring about the best possible outcome. Following is a typical enquiry from the constant stream of Cancer sufferers I encounter daily and subsequently support in the battle moving forward. Q: My husband Bob was diagnosed with aggressive prostate Cancer five years ago. Up until this time he was an active 58 year old running his own business, with a real zest for love & life. Then in accordance with his Specialist’s advice he subsequently had a prostatectomy followed by multiple radiotherapy sessions. This series of events left him incontinent, unable to have sex, and not surprisingly very emotionally drained. Anti-depressants were prescribed, but he bravely declined to take them. Now we are absolutely horrified to hear that his PSA has begun to rise again and secondary Cancer has been identified in 2 places in his spine. The recommendation going forward is hormone treatment. However to be quite honest, after all that’s happened we’re really terrified to undergo any more unnatural therapies. We have done plenty of what we thought was research. In desperation we’ve trawled the net looking for alternatives and are totally confused and over it. Nowyou have been highly recommended to possibly advise us towards taking the natural route. And so

my real question is in my husband’s case is, is there any hope to fight the progression? We understand that you have been helping to support many Cancer sufferers for decades and have extensive experience in this field. If you are able to help, we will be most grateful for any clear direction you can offer. Even though he was a natural sceptic in the beginning, after so many letdowns from the system, I can assure you that Bob is now very open to alternatives and more than willing to go on the natural path. A: I’m always sad to hear such a case as your husband’s and of his terrible disconcerting experience to date. In response to your question, yes there is certainly hope, as well demonstrated by Malcolm G of Mackay Queensland. Malcolm’s prostate Cancer also metastasized into the bones in 2008. Diagnostics then showed no evidence in 2011...and he has been all clear since. Maintaining a strict natural regime including Nutraceuticals, supplements & a 100% natural diet, at 77 Malcolm is now full of energy, cycles hard on a daily basis & even chooses to physically work part time in the family business. It is also noteworthy that his PSA reduced to the degree of being so negligible as to on occasion actually not register any reading whatsoever. As true & wonderful as this is, it must however be stated that as is always the case and especially with metastasised Cancers... no guarantees can be made beyond delivering optimal achievable quality of life (possible via 100% ongoing compliance). I must say your loving dedication is very admirable indeed and your husband is blessed to have you by his side in the battle. When couples pull together in the right direction and support one another it is certainly a tremendous advantage in the fight against Cancer. Real commitment is the love that holds us together through the storms of life and you are blessed to enjoy that in your marriage. As Bob’s primary caregiver, it is imperative that you do keep yourself well in order to cope with the stress & strain that comes with the territory. Be mindful of this as you bestow on him your priceless support. You are welcome to contact me at my office with a view to visit ASAP. FYI appointments are scheduled in evenings only (usually min 2-4hours). There is no charge for my time which I give freely to those in your situation.

©2017GEOFFGARLINGEDip. HCMRA (Medical Reg. Aust) - Geoff Garlinge isaCertifiedHealthCounsellor, Nutritional andNutraceutical Cancer Support Specialist & consultant to Australian University research facilities and the Natural Health Industry. With 30 years experience in the field, Geoff has lectured with and to Doctors, Pharmacists & CM Practitioners concerning Natural Health strategies with a reach into Asia & The Middle East. The author of many articles in national publications and founder of AUSTRALIA’S OWN which he has headed up for the past 23 years. He may be contacted on 1300 888 012

& Lifestyle Magazine | Summer 2017

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