Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
basous : (47b); m. The plant 'rue'. bah v. ouah - Oasis. bah- v. ouwh - to put. bahmi v. ouwhem - To answer.
lau nbeni : n. Cluster of dates; cerbeni : n. Palm-thorn; senbeni , sebeni : n. Palm fiber.
benipi : (41a); m. iron; a. as metal;
bahci : (48a); f. Heifer. baji : (512b); n. Blow.
b. as chains, fetters, sword; c. adj.; ]benipi : vb. To put iron upon. benn/ : (266a); f. Door-post, threshold, step. benji : (41b); f. elephant's trunk. berber : (42b); vi. Boil; --- ebol : vi. To cause to boil, pour forth; --- epswi : vi. To boil up, over; ---: m. Boiling heat. berber- v. borber - To push. berbir : (42b); f. Missile. berbwr= v. borber - To push. bere[woutc : (44b); f. Chariot.; modern 'car'. beri : (43a); adj. new, young; n. new thing, young person; metberi : f. Newness, youth; mberi : adv. Newly, recently; iri nberi : vt. To make new, renew; erberi : v. To become new. berci : (43a); m. Orach (atriplex). berci] : (43b); m. Basket, bread basket. bert v. ouert - Rose. bers/ou : (44a); m. Coriander seed. berso : (44a); m. Sinner, malfactor, wretched, bad one. becywn v. ouocyen - To broaden. becnate v. becn/t - Smith. becn/ t, bacn/t , pl. becbate : (44b); m. Smith. bet- v. bo] - Pollute. betbet : (46a); f. A vegetable, common pea. betc v. bwtc - War. be,e , pl. be,/oui : (30b); m. Wage;
baj/ini v. abaj/ini - Glass. baj/ni v. abaj/ini - Glass. bajini v. abaj/ini - Glass. bajrwou = ouejrwou v. ouoji - Door-post. bebi : (28b); vi. To bubble, to well up (of a spring); vt. to pour forth. bring forth, rain down; refbebi : m. Bringer forth; metrefbebi : f. Outpouring; jinbebi : m. Pronouncing (of a name). beelzeboul v. belzeboul - King of demons. bel- v. bwl - To loosen. belzeboub v. belzeboul - King of demons. belzeboul , -boub , beelzeboul : (Heb); m. Beelzebul, king of demons, lord of dung; orig. the Philistine god worshipped at Ekron. belywn : (37b); n. Lion. belle , f. -/ , pl. -eu : (38a); m. Blind per- son. metbelle : f. Blindness; erbelle : v. To be or become blind, to make blind. belleu v. belle - Blind persons. bell/ v. belle - Blind female. belhwl : (48a); f. Kind of date-palm; unripe date; the fruit 'date'. belj : (38b); fm. Pottery, earthenware; erbelj : v. To be made of pottery. beni v. b/ni - Swallow. beni : (40a); f. Date of palm-tree; bai nbeni : m. Palm-branch; ,af nbeni : n. Stem, trunk of palm;
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