Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
bohi : (47b); m. Dyke, trench. bohi v. ouohi - Fisher. bojbej v. ouojouej - To chew
--- ebol : vb. To loosen, untie; be melted; be dispersed, scattered; dissolve, nullify; relax, annul (laws); absolve; destroy; pay (penalty); go to pieces, perish; slacken, grow weak, faint; be wearied; be loosened, paralyzed; be released, die; upset, unhinge; be loose (in conduct); --- ebol : m. Loosening, slackening, solution; release, pardon; annulling (of magic, demons); weakening, feebleness, collapse; dissolution (death); --- ebol nem- : vb. To be open, free with; atbwl : adj. Indissoluble, unending; jinbwl : f. Interpretation; --- ebol : m. Loosening, freeing; ebol : adv. Out, forth, outward; menenca ebol : prep. After, beyond, henceforth; same as icjen ebol ; ebol je- : conj. Because, for; mbol : adv. Outside, without; spread abroad, famed; extant, in existance; eb/l : adv. Outside of, except; eb/l je- : w/ vb. Introduces conditional; cabol : prep. (w/ e- ); Outside of, beyond, away from; adv. outside, without; saebol : prep. To the outside of, out of; adv. henceforth; to the end, forever, outwards, finally, utterly, at all; erebol : vb. To become loosened, become free, avoid, escape. bwn : (39a); adj. Bad; boni : f. Evil, misfortunate; ierboni : f. Evil eye. bwrp v. ouwrp - To send. (bwct) , bact- : (45a); vi. To be dry, parched. bwtc , botc= : (46a); vi. To be drawn up (for battle), fight; --- nem- : vb to fight against;
bo] , bet- , bot- , b/t (Q): (45b); All forms often with f for b ; vt. To pollute, hate, befoul, abominate; ---: m. Hateful thing, abomination; oi mbo] : vb. To become, be hateful; [ibo] : vb. To loathe, abominate; labo] : n. Sodomite.
bo] v. bw] - Durah. bo] v. ouwt - Herbs. bo]= v. ouw] - To send. brai v. mbrai - Seed of cereals.
brehi v. mbrehi - Cart. br/oui v. bir - Baskets. broukoc , -,oc : (Gk); m. Locust, or its wingless larva. brou,oc v. broukoc - Locust.
bukki v. bik,i - A plant. buk,i v. bik,i - A plant. bouhi : (48a); m. Eyelid.
bw : (28a); f. Tree where its fruit is specified as opposed to ss/n (tree in general; probably wood, plantation of trees). (1) bwk , bak= , b/k (Q): (29a); vb. To go, generally se is used. (2) bwk , f. bwki , pl. ebiaik and sg as pl.: (30a); m. Servant, slave; opposite remhe ;
erbwk : vb. To serve, labor; iri mbwk : vb. To enslave; metbwk : f. Servitude, slavery; metbal mbwk : f. Eye service.
bwki v. (2) bwk - Servant girl. bwl , bel- , bol= , b/l (Q): (32a); vi. To loosen, untie; melt; interpret, explain; weaken, make faint; nullify (order or deed); dissolve, destroy; be immaterial; pay, remit; ---: m. solution, interpretation;
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