Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
e e : The 5th letter of the Coptic Alphabet called ei , eie ; e : The numeral 'five'. (1) e- , ero= , (2nd pl. erw= ): (50a); prep. I. dat.: to, for, according to, as regards ; purpose: for, in order to; about, because of; from, by means of; direction: towards, to; against; comparison: than ; in adverbial expressions. II. indicating direct object with many verbs of sensual perception, mental action, and with other vi's. III. coordinating a second vb. (2) e- : (52a); vbal prfx. used before nominal subject ' ere- '; characterizes the circum- stantial, or precedes other auxiliaries either in subordinate or coordinate clause. eat : (61a); m. End, farthest part. ebdomac : (Gk); f. A period of seven days, week, the numbr seven. eben v. asben - Enchanter. ebi : (52b); n. Darkness. ebiaik v. (2) bwk - Servants. ebi/n : (53a); mf. A poor, wretched person; ebiw : (52b); m. Honey. eblal/ : (Gk); f. Damage, loss, injury, harm. ebo , pl. ebwou and sg as pl.: (178a); m. Dumb person; metebo : f. Dumbness; erebo : vb. To become, be dumb. ebol v. bwl - Out. ebrehi v. mbrehi - Cart. ebr/j (mostly cetebr/j m.): (53b); f. Lightening. ebwou v. ebo - Dumb person. ebsi v. wbs - Sleep. eggravon v. eggravoc - Contract. adj. miserable, wretched; metebi/n : f. Misery.
eggravoc , -on : (Gk); m. Written docu- ment, contract. egkrateia , -tia : (Gk); f. Self-control, mastery over, control over; i.e. chastity, asceticism, economy; egkrat/c : adj. Hold fast, self-con- trolled, strong; i.e. ascete (n). egkrat/c v. egkrateia - Self-control. egkratia v. egkrateia - Self-control. egkwmion : (Gk); m. Encomium, eulogy, panegyric, laudatory ode, praise. ey- v. et- - Relative prefix. eyaus v. eyws - Ethiopians. eybe- , eyb/t= : (61a); prep. Because of, concerning; eybeou v. ou - Why?. eyb/t= v. eybe- - Concerning ey/ v. (1) h/ - forwards. eynikoc : (Gk); adj. Foreign, gentile; m. heathen, idol-woshipper, tax collector. eynoc : (Gk); m. Nation, people, caste, tribe. eymosi v. eyws - Ethiopian (f). eyws , f. eyosi , pl. eyaus : (65b); m. An Ethiopian person. eiebt v. iebt - East. eioul , eoul : (77a); mf. Hart, hind. eije : (Gk); prep. Then, for, if. ekatontar,oc : (Gk); m. A centurion. ekkl/cia : (Gk); f. Church, assembly duly summoned, an assembly. ekloli v. kelwl - Pitcher. ekmalwcia = e,malwcia - Captivity. eko] v. kwt - Builders. ekwt v. kwt - Builder. el- v. wli - To hold. ela,ictoc : (Gk); adj. Smallest, least; m. poor, wretched, of low status. eybeje- : conj. Because; eybevai : conj. Wherefore.
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