Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
eneh : (57a); m. Eternity, age (period of time); adj. eternal; adv. forever, eternally, ever. enkoki v. ankoki - Ring finger. enkot v. nkot - Sleep. ennigma : (Gk); m. Riddle, enigma(?) eno,oc : (Gk); vb. To be liable to, subject to, guilty, liable to the penalty of. ent/j , nt/j : (233a); m. Plant, weed, specifically 'darnel'. entol/ : (Gk); f. Commandment, com- mand, order, ordinance, injunction; ]entol/ : vb. To order, command, announce a decision. enouk : (56b); n. A plant. enouoi v. (1) ouoi - Rush course. en,ai v. n,ai - Thing. ensasi : vb. To be like gall, bitter; ---: m. Bitterness, gall; erensasi : vb. To be bitter. exagin , -goin : (Gk); m. Weight measure. exagoin v. exagin - Weight measure. exapina : (Gk); adv. Sudden. exdraou , exraou : (Gk); f. Hall, parlor, belvedere, saloon, bench. execti : (Gk); (w/ er- ) vb. To be allowed, be possible; ---: m. Thing possible, allowed; oukexecti : n. Unlawful, prohibited. exodoc : (Gk); n. The Biblical Book of Exodus. exoricmenoc : (Gk); adj. Banished. exoucia , -ac : (Gk); f. Power, authority, freedom, license. exouciac v. exoucia - Power. exraou v. exdraou - Hall. exwriazein : (Gk); (w/ er- ) vb. To leave out of thought, neglect; exwrictia : m. Neglect. ensot v. nsot - To be strong. enhot (Q) v. nah] - Faithful. enhour v. nhour - To tremble.
exwrictia v. exwriazein - Neglect. eoube- v. oube - Against. ep- v. wp - To count. epaggelia : (Gk); f. Command, summons, announcement, notice, offer, promise. epantropoc : (Gk); Unknown. epar,ia v. epar,oc - Government. epar,oc : (Gk); m. Commander, governor, prefect; epar,ia : f. Government, state, province. epeid/ v. epid/ - After. epec/t v. ec/t - Downward. ep/p : n. The 11th month of the coptic year 'Abib'. epiboul/ : (Gk); f. Plan formed against another, plot, scheme by treachery. epigrav/ : (Gk); f. Inscription, title of a work, name, ascription of a deed. epide v. epid/ - After. epid/ , epeid/ , epide : (Gk); conj. After, that, since, when; whereas. epiyumia , yumia : (Gk); f. Desire, year- ning, sextual desire, lust, longing after; souerepiyumia : adj. Delicious desirable; erepiyumin : vb. To desire, yearn, lust. epikalicye : (Gk); (w/ er- ) vb. To sum- mon, invoke, pray for, invite, call in, appeal to, challenge. epik/c : (Gk?); adj. Humble, meek. epickopoc : (Gk); m. Bishop, overseer, guardian, supervisor, inspector. epict/m/ : (Gk); f. Understanding, skill, knowledge, science. epictol/ : (Gk); f. Message, order, com- mision; letter, epistle. epitima : (Gk); f. Rebuke, censure, cri- ticism, castigation. epitropoc : (Gk); m. Steward, trustee, administrator, viceroy, executor, guar- dian, protector.
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