Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0


/ : (66a); Seventh letter of Coptic Alphabet; / : The numeral '8'. (1) /i , pl. /ou and sg as pl.: (66a); m. House; household, family; mecqen/i : n. Born in the house; remn/i , remqen/i : mf. Member of the household, domestic, kinsman; monastic superintendent, warden; metremqen/i : f. Kinship. (2) /i : (66b); m. Pair, couple. /lioc : (Gk); m. Sun. /mac : (Gk); pers. pron., 1st pers. pl. 'we'.

/p v. wp - Belonging to. /pi v. wp - Number. /pc : (14b); f. Number. /ri : (66b); m. A kind of birds (samman). /rp , sg as pl.: (66b); m. Wine;

cau /rp : Wine drinker; er/rp : vb. To become wine. /toc : (Gk); m. Silver money.

/ou v. /i - Houses /ji : (97b); m. Leek.

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