Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0


abrem : (2b); n. Something cooked, baked, ripe. abrilloc : (Gk?); n. The month 'April'. abcwn , aucon : (2b); m. Wild mint. abw : (2a); f. Dragnet, net. abwk , abok (seldom), f. aboki , pl. aboki and sg as pl: (2b); m. Crow. raven. agayartoc = akayartoc - Unclean. agay/ v. agayoc - Good (f). agayon v. agayoc - Good. agayoc , -on , f. -y/ : (Gk); adj. good, righteous, noble. agalma : (Gk); Unknown. agap/ , -/c : (Gk); f. Love, brotherly love, love of God, charity, alms, a love feast; agap/toc : adj. beloved; eragapan : vb. To love. agap/c v. agap/ - Love. agap/toc v. agap/ - Beloved. agariyonikon : (Gk); n. A kind of tree fungus. aggelia : (Gk); f. A message, tidings, news, word, speech. aggelikenoc : (Gk?); m. English in origin. aggeloc : (Gk); m. Angel, messenger, envoy. agg/n : (Gk?); n. Pot, vessel. age , pl. agete : (Gk); imperat of agw= come!, come on!; interj. come now! agel/ : (Gk); Unknown. ageli , akeli : (Gk); f. A herd of oxen, company. agete v. age - Come (pl)! agia v. agioc - Holy. agiazin : (Gk); (w/ er- ) vb. To hollow, sanctify, purify, consecrate. agiacma : (Gk); A holy place, sanctuary, holiness.

a : (1a); First letter of the alphabet; a : One; a : Thousand. a : (1a); vbal prfx derived from iri , it characterizes: a. Perfect tense, b. Pluperfect tense, c. Aorist tense. a : (1a); imperat prfx of vbs; lo , nau , ouwm , ouwn ; or alioui , amou and derivatives, ari , au . a- , au- : (1a); adv of indefinitness "about", often with n- prfx. a- : (Gk); neg prfx "without, un-". aaf v.(2) af - Fly. ab v. (2) af - Fly. abayra : (Gk); n. Bridge, dam; Lit. 'without base'. abakicye : (Gk?); n. Wild gum. aban v. aouan - Color. abaj/ini , -jini , bajini , -j/ini , - j/ni : (3a); mf. Glass, an object of glass, a thing seen in glass; canabaj/ini : m. Glass-blower or seller. abba : (Gk); m. Father; a title of respect given to elderly monks, abbot, or superior of a monastery. ab/n v. aouan - Cargo. ab/t v. abot - Months. abi aban v. aouan - A variety of colors. abin v. aouan - Cargo. abit : (2b); n. Monday. abok v. abwk - Crow. aboki v. abwk - She-crow / crows. abot ,pl. ab/t , sg as pl.: (53b); m. Month. aboui v.(1) af - Flesh. abraciwn : (Gk?); n. The abundance of grass and plants.

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