Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
mwit mmosi : m. Road, journey; ehoou mmosi : m. Day's journey; sv/r mmosi : m. Fellow traveller; jinmosi : m. Going, gait, conduct. most= v. moust - To examine. (1) moh : (208a); m. Nest, brood of young; mahoual , mahbal : m. Nest, dove- cot; (2) moh , mah- , mah= , (Q) meh : (208a); vt. To fill; fulfill, complete; pay; vi. to be full; meh rw= : vb. To fill mouth; seize, bite; mahtot= : vb. To fill hand, lay hold on; mahqa/t= : vb. To fill belly; --- : m. Satiety; --- ebol : vt. To fill, pay; vi. to be full, filled, paid; --- : m. Fulfilment, limit; --- eqoun : vt. To fill up, supplement; jinmoh eqoun : m. Completion; --- : m. Fullness, contents; hanmoh : n. Channels, conduits; mah- : prfx to ordinal numeral to convert to cardinal numbers, lit. filling, completing. (3) moh , meh : (210a); --- e- : vb. To burn at, for; --- ebol : vb. To burn, glow. (4) moh : (210b); vi. To look; --- : m. Appearance. moqj v. mojq - Girdle. mojt= v. moujt - To mix. mojt (Q) v. moujt - To be mixed. mojq , moujq , moqj : (213b); m. Girdle of a soldier or monk. mo] v. mout - Neck. mp= v. mpe- - vbal prfx for neg. 1st perfect. mpa= v. mpare- - vbal prfx for neg. pre- sent of habitude. mpante- v. mpate - Not yet. mpare- , mpa= : (182b); vbal prfx. negative of the present of habitude ' sare '.
mpate- , mpante- : (179a); vbal prfx. Not yet. mpe- , mp= : (178a); vbal prfx. negative of 1st perfect; mv/ : part. of denial after questions as to past events; after jin- , san- 'or'; with eswp 'if not'. mper v. mvwr - vbal prfx of neg. impera- tive. mpecnau v. cnau - both together. mpsa , empsa : (179a); vi. To be worthy, worth; be meet, entitled, obliged; (w/o obj.) be worthy, fitting; it is right, needful; --- e- : vb. To be worthy to; atmpsa : adj. Worthless, unworthy; metatmpsa : f. Unworthiness; --- : m. Worth, fate; ermpsa : vb. To become, be worthy, deserve; mpsis v. msis - Vengenance. mreh in mamreh : (184a); n. 20th lunar station. mrom v. mrwm - Pillow. mrost (Q): (184a); vi. To stink. mroqt : (184a); n. Pipe-clay. mrwm , emrwm , mrom : (183a); m. Pillow. mcah , emcah : (187b); m. Crocodile. mtat : (196a); f. Bridle, bit; mtath = mtat - Bridle. mtau : (196a); n. Wizardry, magic, lit. words; mton , emton , (Q) moten : (193b); vi. To be at rest, at ease, be relieved (of sick- ness); vt rflx. rest self, go to rest, die; qual. easy, hale, satisfied; --- e- (Q): vb. To be easy to; --- n- (Q): vb. To be easy to; --- ejen- : vb. To rest upon, be satisfied with; je mtau : vb. To speak magic; refje mtau : m. Magician; metrefje mtau : f. Magic.
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