Bohairic Coptic Dictionary Version1.0
(1) an- : (10b); m. lit. The great one of. (2) an- , pl. anan-: (10b); Prfx in collective numerals. (3) an : (10b); neg. part. following subj. and predicate; not. (4) an : (56b); interrog. part., precedes subj. ana v. wni - Stone. anabaymoc : (Gk); m. Flight of steps, stair. anabat/c : (Gk); m. Horseman, rider (cavalry). angkazin : (Gk); v. (w/ er-) To force, constrain. anagkeon : (Gk); Unknown. anagk/ : (Gk); f. Force, constraint, necessity, distress, violence, suffering, compulsion by force. anagnwcma : (Gk); m. A passage read aloud, lecture, reading. anagnwct/c : (Gk); m. Reader. anayema : m. An accursed thing, curse, excommunication, a person devoted to the devil. anay/ma : (Gk); m. A votive offering (set up in a temple). anai : (11a); vi. To be pleasing, pleasant, grow better; ---: m. Beauty; rana : vi. To be pleased; vt. To please; ranaf : m. That which pleases; metranaf : f. Act of pleasing; refrana= : f. One who pleases; metrefrana= : f. Act of pleasing; jinranaf : fm. Meaning as last; ini : adj. Pleasant, always with ctoi = perfume. anaiw : (218b); f. Peg, stake (for tent ropes or ship hawsers). anakl/ton : (Gk); Unknown. anal/m'ic = nal/'ic - Ascension. anal/'ic : (Gk); f. Feast of ascension, ascension. analum'ic = anal/'ic - Ascension.
anam/i : (524a); m. Precious stone, jewel. anan- v. an- - prfx in collective numerals. anantwri v. antwri - Minor. (1) anapai : (12a); f. Hen. (2) anapai = ia : (12a); m. Valley. anapaucic : (Gk); f. Repose, rest, ease. anarouhi v. rouhi - Evening anar,ia , -ac : (Gk); f. Anarchy, law- lessness. anar,iac v. anar,ia - Anarchy. anar,on v. anar,oc - Without begin- ning. anar,oc , -on : (Gk); adj. Without head or chief, without beginning. anar,wc = anar,oc - Without begin- ning. anactacic : (Gk); f. Resurrection, awa- kening, standing up; feast of resurrection. anactrov/ : (Gk); Unknown. anatol/ , -/c : (Gk); f. The rising of the sun or moon; east. anatol/c v. anatol/ - East. anaus v. anas - Oath. anavora , -ac : (Gk); f. Offering, sacri- fice; liturgy. anavorac v. anavora - Liturgy. ana,wrin : (Gk); (w/ er -) vb. Act of re- tirement. ana,writ/c , -tou : m. Anchorite. ana,writou v. ana,writ/c - Ancho- rite. anas , pl. anaus & sg as pl.: (12b); m. Oath; metref]anas : f. A swearing. anahwr v. aho - Storehouses. andro , -w : (Gk); m. Man, human. andrw v. andro - Man. anecy/toc : (Gk); Unknown. anelywn : (Gk?); vb. To rise, walk. anemro = embrw - Harbor.
anz/b : (12a); f. School. anyas : (12b); m. Sneeze.
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