Patrick, Traditional Egyptian Christianity 1996
Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies
Sanhut, sa/rar- 142 17
- 108
145-146, 150-152, al-allad)
140, 149, 157, !G5, 167,
Scetis - 80 School
Suriani monastery 4,26, 107-108, 12(i, 14G,
I>"" ~'" ""I Points" to Islam" - 155 Revelation, Book of - 2, 7, 20 Revolt of 149, 155
Church 42
Revolution Command Council 15(i 1()52 149, 15il-156, 17il-176
VaJentilllls, Gnostic teacher - Vandals 4a Vansleb (J, Nt, \Vallsleben) 110 p,J, 154
Roman Catholicism - 112 (and see Catholics)
Sha'ban 101 Shal1lm Roman 48, 108, !l3, s/wia - 172-173, I 170-171 Roman 46,6il 48, Theodora, empress - 48-45 Theodore, Pachomius' slIicce:sS()r Theodore of Philae 45 - 65 Roman rule - 5, Roman world xi-xii, 66 77 Shenouda 1, n-,j",."-,,h Shenouda II, ,,,,",;or,,h Shenouda III, ,y,j"M"",.h 178-179 Shenoute of GO, 77, 132, 151, IG4, vVadi N almn 169, 17il wafd Wafd party - 82,a5 13 166, 73 131, l'iO-141, 150-152, 156, 165 D,C, 86 Shore, t\, F, Rural Diakonia I Thornton, - 128, 1,12 Timothy II, the Cat, Timothy Timur 95, 102 Tiunis 82 vVestern missionaries - xiv Ruweiss, amha - 101 Sahellius sacraments 61, Silko 45 Simon I, Simon II, Simon of - 40-41 - 57 \Vestern culture \Vestern education - 141 vVestem ideas 146, 148, 154 - 60 3 - 60, 66-67,75-78,80-81, - 109 177-178 127, Six Days Soulh Afiica 165 Trinit,u-ian controversy - 7, Doctrine of - xiv, 57,65, 170, vVestern values - 148 \Vestem Desert 165 vVestem interesls 172 'Western Roman '';,e>"',W" world \Vesterners - lW 157, 1m Fr,Ulce 85 monastery 59-60, 80, 68, H, 9a 1 1, 152, 173 67-68,77-78,80,82, Stoics - Tuman Bey - 108 Saint Mark's Cathedral- 122, Hi5, Saint M;u-k's Church, Paul's monastery - 111-1 S,UllUel monastery "Sakatina" - Sublimc Porte - 109, I subordinationism - Sudan 126, Sudanese troops - 124 Wi 14, 120 14(; vVilson, vVoodrow 149 lVisdolIl 5, 9 12 Salama Samuel, 150, 157
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