Patrick, Traditional Egyptian Christianity 1996
Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies CHRISTIANrlY THE
Book of tile Precious Pe;u1.
p. B7.
and the Fertile GJ:escent 1516-1.922
Church: Knmm as the cd. and trans. A. Khatcr and O. H. I p. '274.
visitors were Fr. Marc de
289-292. The
"Contribution a elu " Swdia OrientaIia CIllistianii colleeleana No.5, an
"P. J.
pp. 16'2-IG8. The
D translation is found in Univ. of California .t1ncie11l and l\1odem p. The 1'11'<1,IILl.", 82 HPEC '29'2-'295. Princeton Univ. 1517-1 I"The 1675 Latin is in the Bodleian al-balael" and recounL'i i\li the of the Sadleir, The lished p. ~l2. p. 81 tlle Turk :<7 HPEC 295-2D8. 1 and not seen a French the Years 1 d'llIexilndrie [ol1dce fHU' S. 1'vlarc que nou" o.f/f/<','V"'" ecrite all Caire 111cme ell 1672 et 1673 uenermn, p. 81. 81 1,187-190. E'HPEC3, 2°HPEC 21HPEC translators' 281-284. pp. 22HPEC 3,282. p.88. Rome p. 117
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