Patrick, Traditional Egyptian Christianity 1996
Library of St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies
Middle East, 51, 19-22.
The Univ. Center
The Formation o[ a Nation Stale
IMaurice P.
Christian van
Church " Proche-Orient communaute copte 127. p. [67. and the rest of this n:;I1I-:;,,,r:;n,h are drawn from d1is account of Christian 5 2'''Blessed Be III pp.43-44. account of the uaHd'~"ID and process is found in is from page 139. pp.140-141. p.435. p. cntre l' ordlOdoxie et clites u,o"u,;u\.. 8 iH.-lVl. 137. "Le renouveau copte," Oriens pp. 392-398. Proche-Orient 398 and 395. Il1 299-{lO 1. p.27. delivered to the Ord10dox lVfiddle Eastem "The in Modem 6 (l 103-105. on both 50. p.297. for 20 Middle East News Church in ISH. H. Ie christianisme en pp. and c. Proche-Orient 418. ild'~-ilm): and see M. P. Martin et " pp. 250-252. wProcile-Orient A Short p. 126. Univ. 180
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