SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

in the Early Church (1983); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC- V.14 Teaching Authority in the Early Church (1984); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.16 Prayer Personal and Liturgical (1985); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.17 Divine Providence and Human Suffering (1985); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.18 The Christian Way of Life (1986); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.19 The Early Fathers on War and Military Service (1983); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.20 Social Thought (1984); Halton, T. (Ed), MFC-V.22 Death and Resurrection (1986); Hammerschmidt Die Koptische Gregoriosanaphora (1957); Hardy, E.R., Christian Egypt: Church & People - Christianity and Nationalism in the Patriarchate of Alexandria (1952); Husselman, E. The Gospel of John in Fayumic Coptic (P.Mich Inv. 3521) (1962); Ibrahim, S. The Copts of Egypt (1995-6); Oden, T.C. (Ed), Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture (ACCS) New Testament II. Mark (1998); Oden, T.C. (Ed), ACCS New Testament VI Romans (1998); Oden, T.C. (Ed), ACCS New Testament VIII Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians (1999); Petry, C.F. (Ed), The Cambridge History of Egypt (CHE), V.1 Islamic Egypt 640-1517 (1998); Petry, C.F. (Ed) CHE V.2 Modern Egypt 1517 to end of 20th Century (1998); Plumley, J.M. An Introductory Coptic Grammar (Sahidic Dialect) (1948); Ramsey, B. John Cassian, The Conferences ACW57 (1977); Rolandson, J. Women and Society in Greek and Roman Egypt (1998); Steinwenter, A. Das Recht der Koptischen Urkunden (1955); Yarnold, E. The Awe-Inspiring Rites of Initiation (1994); Zeigler, Septuaginta V.XI,4 Iob (1982); Ziegler, Septuaginta V.XII,2 Iesu Filii Sirach (1980); Ziegler, Septuaginta V.XVI,1 Ezechiel (1977) 12. Coptic Classes: The advanced translation seminar, being conducted at the Center, has moved to Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:00 p.m. It deals with a Bohairic text, attributed to St. Cyril of Alexandria, concerning the Three Saintly Youth as well as a study of the Bohairic version of the Book of Genesis. Two sessions of the Coptic I class at the Coptic Seminary in Los Angeles were completed. Mr. Maged Mikhail conducted the one

held at the Seminary headquarters at Bellflower, California, the second was held at the Coptic Center in Los Angeles and taught by Mr. Hany N. Takla, the Society's president. Fr. John Alexander, The Seminary's Registrar has informed us that Coptic II will be offered in the 1999 Fall Semester, starting on September 22, 1999. Pending approval of the Seminary authorities, the same arrangement on the location would be in effect. The plan to conduct a series of 2-hour seminars to train students on how to conduct research using primary sources like manuscripts is also underway. 13. Computers at the Los Angeles Center for Coptic Studies: The Society, in preparation for the challenge posed by the Year 2000 to the computing world, has acquired two new Pentium II, 350 MHz workstations. We also added a special high-resolution scanner with microfilm scanning capability. Testing is being made to establish a criterion for preserving such important material in electronic form. All the new workstations were connected to the existing office Ethernet Connection. 14. Conference of the French-Speakers Association for Coptology (June 3-4, 1999): We have received the following communication from Dr. Youhanna Nessim Youssef of Melbourne, Australia: Here is the programme of Conference of the French-Speakers Association for Coptology : Thursday, June 3, 1999 +Cecile Giroire, The fabrics of Antinoe in the Museum of decoratif arts in Paris +Roberta Cortopassi, A mythologic thema on a textile from the Musee de l'homme Paris +Marie Helene Rutschowscaya, The comb of Helladia +Florence Calanet-Demerger, The collections of Antinoe in the Institute of Egyptology in Montpellier +Claude Coupry and Marguerite Rassart-Debergh, Wealth of Kellia

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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