SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Sawamaa, near Akhmim. The monastery, housing the church, was revived again during the papacy of Pope Shenouda III. His commemoration in the Church: The Lower Egyptian recension of the Synaxrium, currently used in the church, did not have any mention of him. We would expect however that he would included in the Upper Egyptian Recension. Unfortunately, only the first half of that recension has been identified to date, and our saint's commemoration falls in the second half of the year, Bashons 25. He seems that have been commemorated in St. Shenouda's White Monastery, as evidenced by the Liturgical fragments belonging to the monastery. R-G. Coquin wrote in his Coptic Encyclopedia entry about this saint (pp.2256-7): "Our chief source of information is the typika of the White Monastery (DAYR ANBA SHINUDAH), which mention this saint (London, British Library, Or. 3580A, 3, frag. A, ed. Crum, no. 146; Vienna, Nationalbibliothek, K9734). His feast day, 25 Bashans, is often confused with that of Thomas the apostle, which falls on the following day." A further fragment of his Life (possibly for liturgical use) survives in Arabic in a 15th century manuscript, Paris Arabe 263 ff. 111-114v (Troupeau, 1972, p. 230). Coquin also wrote that the complete Arabic Life has been published by al- Manqabadi, though no details about this edition is given. Text from the Arabic Life of St. Shenouda: The following is a translation of E.C. Amelineau's 1888 edition of the Arabic Life of St. Shenouda, where our saint is mentioned. The text is referenced by Amelineau's page number as follows:. (462) ...And there was on mount Shinshif, a saintly anchorite man, his name Mari Thomas. And he was a beloved person, and my father testified about him, that there was no equal to him. And the Savior Lord spoke to him mouth to mouth. And the angels came unto him many times. And the Lord Christ brought him to my father in the desert. And then the Lord Savior also brought my father to the

dwelling of the righteous saint Thomas, and visited him (463) and consoled them together many times. And when (the time of) his repose drew near and his departure from the flesh, they (lit he) went to the wilderness and they conversed together in the great (deeds) of God. So the saint, our father Thomas said to my father, Behold I will depart from you, today. In a little while, the Lord will visit me. This is the last time I will converse with you in the flesh. For the angel of the Lord made it known to me in the past night, then he told me the day of your repose also. So your children (or disciples) should attend to this day, to be unto them a sign forever, for it is the birthday of Cyril the wise and the Archbishop of Alexandria and (of) Mari Buktur (or Victor), Archimandrite of Taphnis. Not (only) the same day but the same hour, and it is known and sanctified, which is the 7th of the month Abib. And many saints, countless in number, will come to meet you. So my father said to him, How can you be assured of that date that you will die in. Mari Thomas said to him, I will make known to you with a sign that you will be marveled at which is that this rock that you are sitting on, outside your dwelling, and watch (464) the sins of the whole world, at the time that my soul will depart from my body, this rock will split in half like a book that you open. And He that guided Tobit son of Tobias in the land of estrangement, who is Raphael the Archangel, you see him, he (will) walk before you, and those that you choose them, until you arrive at my dwelling without a ship. Do a charity for the Lord's sake and cover my wretched body, for I am an orphan and destitute(?), and I have no one but God alone. So what is written may be completed that I will increase in your benediction. And I trust that your heart will rest and those who will be accompanying you, and the Lord will recompense you with charity and give you your wage. My father marveled at St. Thomas and at his sweet words. Then he (St. Shenouda) was saddened for what he said to my holy father that I will not tarry but remain standing. Then he struck his hands together and said, "God's will be done". So the anchorite saint, Mari Thomas, kissed my father and said, "I

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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