SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Burkitt, F. C. "Codex Alexandrinus." Journal of Theological Studies 11 (1910):603-606. Jellicoe, S. The Septuagint and Modern Study. Oxford, 1968. Kenyon, F. G. Our Bible and the Ancient Manuscripts, 5th ed., rev. A. W. Adams, intro. G. R. Driver. New York, 1958. Kenyon, F. G., and H. J. M. Milne. The Codex Alexandrinus in Reduced Photographic Facsimile, 5 vols. London, 1909-1957. Metzger, B. M. Early Versions of the New Testament. Oxford, 1977. Milne, H. J. M., and T. C. Skeat. The Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Alexandrinus. London, 1938. Scrivener, F. H. A. A Plain Introduction to the Criticism of the Ne Testament for the Use of Biblical Students, 2 vols., 4th ed. E. Miller. London and New York, 1894. Swete, H. B. Introduction to the Old Testament in Greek. Cambridge, 1900. value supersedes its shortcomings. A number of prominent personalities are treated in well- researched, miniature biographies (1-3 pages each); they include Abuna Yustus al-Antuni, Pope Shenouda and Abuna Matta al-Miskin. The biographies of Pope Kyrillus VI and Fr. Marqus al- Askiti (and the controversy that surrounded him) must be singled out for their insight and thoroughness. Fr. Marqus’ biography may also indirectly serve to highlight some of the cultural and linguistic challenges the Coptic Church is now facing outside of Egypt. The biographies themselves are dispersed throughout the book’s thematic treatment of such important topics and periods as Pope Shenouda’s monastic house arrest in the early Eighties, Coptic theology, and contemporary monasticism. The reader will notice an awkward love-hate dichotomy running throughout the book as one minute the author beats the very drum of Coptic nationalism and pride and

criticism of the Bible, particularly of the New Testament. Grabe edited the Old Testament at Oxford in 1707-20, and this edition was reproduced at Zurich 1730-32, and at Leipzig, 1750-51, and again at Oxford, by Field, in 1859; Woide published the New Testament in 1786, which B. H. Cowper reproduced in 1860. The readings of Codex A were noted in Walton's Polyglot, 1657, and in every important collation since made. Baber published an edition of the Old Testament in facsimile type in 1816-28; but all previous editions were superseded by the magnificent photographic facsimile of both Old and New Testaments produced by the care of Sir E. Maunde Thompson (the New Testament in 1879, the Old Testament in 1881-83), with an introduction in which the editor gives the best obtainable description of the codex (London, 1879- 80). Bibliography: Aland, K. and B. Aland. The Text of the New Testament. 2nd Edition, Grand Rapids 1989. Among the Copts offers both survey and analysis of prominent Coptic ecclesiastical personalities and events spanning roughly the last fifty years. The author attempted to “separate and explain the main themes of the Egyptian Ort odox Church in their historical stetting, and in the modern world.” The book itself is aimed at an educated laity, but the scholar will profit from the author’s insight and first-hand experience. Most importantly, the book succeeds in its attempt to offer a counter-narrative to the existing hegemonic discourse regarding the past decades of Coptic history. Its main drawback, however, is its failure to contextualize the Coptic community. None of the factors that affect the community—e.g. the economy, nationalism, being a minority, etc.—are discussed. Still, the book’s John H. Watson, Among the Copts . Portland: Sussex Academic Press, 2000. Pp. 176, bibl., index. (hardbound) $50.00.

Among the Copts - Book Review (by Maged S. A. Mikhail)

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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