SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Rev. Watson was an outspoken critic of the internment of Pope Shenouda III in the monastery following the events of September 1981. And subsequently brought it forcefully and eloquently to world-wide attention. He also contributed a most insightful book on the Life of Pope Cyril VI, Pope Shenouda's predecessor. This was published through Dr. Yanney's prominent Coptic Church Review . His scholarship is well attested to and his knowledge of the present state of the Coptic Church rivals any from within or without the church. I am sure it will make an excellent contribution to our knowledge of Coptic Church history. Non members can obtain a copy directly through the publisher, Sussex Academic Press. The England Office is: Sussex Academic Press, Box 2950, Brighton BN2 5SF, UK, Fax +44(0)1273-621262 . The US office is: Sussex Academic Press c/o ISBS, 5804 NE Hassalo St., Portland, OR 97213-3644, Tel 800-944-6190, Fax 503- 280-8832 . The book is a hardcover volume, 229x152 mm, 208 pages, ISBN: 1-902210-56-5, price $50 (£30) plus shipping and handling. 11. Bulletin of the Society: The fifth volume of the Annual Bulletin of the Society has been mailed to last year's members and subscribers. It included 11 papers from the proceedings of the first Coptic Conference held at Long Beach in 1998. Copies of this volume are available to non-member for $5.00 each. Copies for sale are still available for volumes 1 through 4. For non-members, the price will be $6.00, $4.00, $5.00, and $5.00 respectively. For members needing extra copies, the prices are $5.00, $3.00, $4.00, and $4.00 respectively. The Society is planning to publish one final volume, the sixth in this series, before we shift to our collaborative effort with St. Mark Foundation to publish the New Series of Coptologia i 2002. This last volume would include a select number of papers from the 1999 Coptic Conference and the 2000 Coptic Symposium. Mr. Maged S. A. Mikhail has agreed to be the editor of this volume before he is completely deluged in his new assignment of Managing Editor of the Coptologia. 12. Coptologia: The General Committee of the Society and the Executive Board of St. Mark Foundation, pending the final approval of Prof. Fayek Ishak, have agreed in principle to appoint Mr. Maged S. A. Mikhail as the managing editor of the New Series of Coptologia. This would be the official joint Bulletin of both organization. Dr. Gawdat Gabra was able to tentatively assemble a 8-member editorial board for this new series. The list includes: Mme. D. Benazeth

(France), G. Gabra (Egypt), Dr. K. Innemee (the Netherlands), Prof. O. Meinardus (Germany), Dr. S. Richter (Germany), H. N. Takla (USA), Rev. Dr. T. Vivian (USA), and Dr. Y. N. Youssef (Australia). The inaugural edition is set for the spring of 2002. The Managing Editor is currently preparing confirmation letters to members of the Editorial Board and letters inviting literary contribution to be sent to perspective authors. 13. The Society on The Internet: We are still at the same address, "". A page, describing the Coptic CD vol. 1, which include a downloadable demo is available. Pages, containing discussion of research on Coptic Liturgical services and an associated bibliography are available in the Coptic Liturgy Section of the Manual of Coptic Studies. Other pages planned include outlines, manuscript lists, Conference sites, and other bibliographies. The Coptic Language Section seems to be the most frequently visited part of the site. A new version of the Lessons in frame design, and the alphabet are now available for the later versions of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. They can be displayed if the IBM Antonious Coptic fonts are installed. The new version will allow students to do their homework online and submit it to us for correction via e-mail. We are planning a PDF version of these lessons in the next couple of months to allow MAC users to use these lessons without the interactive feature of the IBM version. So far the site traffic has averaged a total of over 30,000 hits per month during the last quarter. Over the past year, the site has regularly been accessed by users in all the States in the US as well as over 100 other countries in six continents! 14. St. Mark Foundation for Coptic History: Dr. Fawzy Estafanous of Cleveland, Ohio is continuing the colossal effort of organizing this new foundation for the detailed study of Coptic History (Church and people). During the last period, the foundation added two Coptic ecclesiastical Scholars to its Cairo Office, Dr. Joseph Faltas and Dr. Michael Ghattas. Along with Dr. Gawdat Gabra of Egypt and Dr. Youhanna N. Youssef of Australia, the crew that the foundation has organized is very impressive for any Coptic Organization at the present time. Dr. Faltas will be coordinating the arrangement for the Foundation-sponsored Wadi 'N Natroun Symposium. The work on the CD version of the Coptic Encyclopedia is progressing (see #18). The latest literary accomplishment of the Foundation is detailed in #7 above. Work is progressing on the

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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