SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Each annotation will include the name of the presenter. Hany N. Takla, the Society's president, is in charge of this project, in his capacity as member of the Foundation's Executive Board. Projected completion date of the final production version of the CD is pushed back to July, 2001, God's willing. St. Mark Foundation, the Project sponsor, may defer some of these missing items to future editions. This may include the Coptic Grammar of Volume 8 which poses many technical difficulties within the software platform being used by the project. 19. The Sixth Annual UCLA Graduate Late Antiquity Conference: This annual conference will be held on Saturday, May 12, 2001 at the Herbert Morris Seminar Room, Royce Hall 306, UCLA. It is sponsored by the University of California Multicampus Research Grant on the History and Culture of Late Antiquity, and the UCLA Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies. And it is organized by the UCLA Graduate Student Association for the Study of Late Antiquity. All are welcome to attend. Abstracts of the conference will be at the group's web page, along with directions and updates. Conference Program: 9.00-9.45 Registration and Coffee 9.45-10.00 Opening Remarks 10.00-11.00 Panel 1, Rhetorical Construction Of Image Perpetua's Passion: An Examination of Gender and Transformation in Early Christian Discourse by Annette Morrow, Department of History, University of Arkansas Patronage and Communication: The Case of Constantinian Rhetoric by Tim Watson, Department of History, University of California, Riverside 11.00-11.30 Coffee Break 11.30-12.30 Panel 2, Conquest and the Concrete

Coinage in Roman Dacia and Adjacent Regions: Patterns of Monetary Circulation in the Period from Trajan to Constantine I (AD 106-337) by Cristian Gazdac, Ancient History, Merton College, Oxford University 12.30-1.30 Lunch Break 1.30-3.00 Panel 3, Models of Monasticism "There is no town or village in Egypt or the Thebaid which is not surrounded by hermitages as if by walls. And the people depend on the prayers of these monks as if on God himself": The Case of Naga ed-Deir by Elisabeth O'Connell, Graduate Program of Ancient History and Mediterranean Archeology, University of California, Berkeley Shenoute as Monk-Bishop: Coptic Representations of Authority and Communal Control in Fifth-Century Christian Egypt by Mark Moussa, Department of Semitic and Ancient Egyptian Languages and Literatures, The Catholic University of America Fear and Loathing in Lann Elo: The Provenance of the Apgitir Chrábaid by Garry J. Crites, Department of Religion, Duke University 3.00-3.30 Coffee Break 3.30-4.30 Panel 4, Cosmology and Symbolic Discourse John Chrysostom and Christian Baptism: Freedom from Satan or Condemnation of the Non-Christian? by Dayna Kalleres, Religious Studies Program, Brown University Paradox or Paradigm? Images of the Circus as Cosmos in the Art and Architecture of the Roman Empire by Sinclair Bell, Archäologisches Institut, Universität zu Köln Department of Classics, University of Edinburgh 4.30-5.00 Closing Remarks Contact Information: E-mail: (Scott McDonough)

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter Architecture in the Desert: Umayyad Bathhouses as Spaces of Diplomacy by Lara G. Tohme, Department of Architecture, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tel: 310.824.5607 (Scott McDonough), 310.383.7358 Website:


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