SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004


SUBSCRIBER'S EDITION Quarterly Newsletter Published by the St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies

1494 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 204, LA, CA 90035

Tel: (310) 271-8329 Fax: (310) 558-1863

Mailing Address: 1701 So. Wooster St. Los Angeles, CA 90035, U.S.A.

January, 2002

Volume 8(N.S. 5), No. 2

In This Issue: The First St. Shenouda Coptic MiniConference ......................................................... 1 Text Selections from the Boh. OT with New Translation (3) –Genesis (3) .............. 3 Liturgical Cycle of St. Michael Monastery at Hamouli ............................................. 7 Making of the Electronic Edition of the Coptic Encyclopedia .................................. 10 News ................................................................................................................................ 14

The St. Shenouda Coptic MiniConference of Coptic Studies (December 22, 2001 - Los Angeles California) (by Hany N. Takla)

Introduction: To increase the Society's efforts toward the promotion of Coptic scholarship in America, it was decided to convene smaller and more frequent gatherings. These gatherings would be scheduled on a quarterly basis for a one-day duration, except for the summer meeting which will be our regularly scheduled 2-day general conference. Such MiniConferences will include a smaller number of papers with variable duration. More opportunities will be given to students in the field rather than established scholars. Though the contribution of the latter is welcomed. Each MiniConference will have a small book exhibit and demonstrations of the Society's on-going work. Attendance: About 17 persons were in attendance during the two sessions of this MiniConference. We were extremely fortunate to have among the attendees, Dr. Gawdat Gabra, the former Director of the Cairo Coptic Museum. His participation in the discussions, following the presentations, was especially instructive for both presenters and those in attendance. Other attendees were predominantly members of the Society in the Southern California Area.

Schedule: The following was the schedule for the MiniConference: 10:00-10:05 a.m. Welcome Address by Hany N. Takla 10:05-10:30 a.m. Hany N. Takla – The History, Organization, and Accomplishments of the St. Shenouda the Archimandrite Coptic Society 10:30-10:40 am Break 10:40-11:05 a.m. Joseph Fahim - The Liturgical Celebration of the Feast of Nairuz in the Coptic Church 11:05-11:30 a.m. Hany N. Takla, The Liturgical Cycle of St. Michael Monastery at Hamouli (Al-Fayoum) 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Exhibit tour and Lunch.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter 1:30-2:45 p.m. Deacon Severus (Maged) S. A. Mikhail, Elements of Social Change of the Copts from the time of the Arab Conquest of Egypt to the Early Medieval period.

2:45 - 3:30 p.m. Informal discussions and demonstration of the Microfilm Scanned Images project that the Society is working on .


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