SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

The first was by Pope Shenouda, titled "Current Monasticism in Wadi al-Natrun" . In it, he gave a summary history of the development of monastic life in the area during his papacy and the effect that its monks had in reviving the monastic life throughout Egypt and beyond. He also gave very important details on the number growth experienced there and the places it affected. He also surveyed the expansion projects there and their purpose along with the role that the monks of these monasteries are playing in service outside the monastery walls. The second paper was by Prof. Dr. M. Krause, titled "The Importance of Wadi al-Natrun for Coptology" . This was read by his trusted student, Dr. S. Richter, because he was prevented from coming due to health reasons. He began with surveying how Coptic Studies grew in Germany from its humble roots in the 19 th century to being a full discipline of study at Münster under his guidance after being small part within three other disciplines. He further surveyed all aspects of this new discipline with reference to monasticism and Wadi al-Natrun. He also commented on the lack of comprehensive manuscript catalogues or lists from the monastery libraries there. It is worthy of mention that he visited the area as early as 1959 and as late as 1988. This presentation was a great tribute to the importance of this Symposium to Coptic Studies that the father of the scholarly discipline of Coptic Studies would make every effort to participate in it despite his illness. The third paper was by Dr. J. den Heijer, titled "Wadi al-Natrun and the History of Patriarchs" . In it he recounted the mention of the area and its old name of 'Wadi Habib' by the currently recognized first author of the famous History of the Patriarchs , Ibn al-Mawhub. He recounted several events and valuable information that al-Mawhub mentioned about Wadi al-Natrun on what appears to be first-hand knowledge of the area. He also recounted a story told by him of a curious ceremony that he witnessed at St. Macarious Monastery during the patriarchate of Pope Christodulus in the 2 nd half of the 11 th century. The ceremony was understood by al-Mawhub as a

and the like. However the final list was no less impressive than the one initially recommended. The following is list of the participants in attendance: H. H. Pope Shenouda III, Egypt Dr. E. Bolman, USA Dr. K-H Brune, Germany Prof. Dr. B. Van Elderen, USA Dr. P. Grossmann, Greece Dr. J. den Heijer, The Netherlands Dr. S. Hodak, Germany Prof. L-A. Hunt, Great Britain Dr. M. Immerzeel, The Netherlands Dr. K. Innemée, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. M. Krause, Germany H. G. Bishop Martyrus, Egypt Dr. Eva Parandowska, Poland Dr. S. Richter, Germany Prof. Dr. L. van Rompay, The Netherlands Prof. Dr. R. Said, USA Prof. Dr. S. K. Samir, Lebanon Prof. Dr. S. S. Shaker, Egypt Dr. Z. Skalova, The Netherlands Rev. Dr. T. Vivian, USA Dr. J. van der Vliet, The Netherlands

Fr. Dr. U. Zanetti, Belgium Dr. Y. N. Youssef, Australia And from the Organizing Committee: Mr. E. Bassili, Egypt Dr. F. Estafanous, USA

Dr. G. Gabra, Egypt Mr. H. N. Takla, USA

Papers Presented: The Symposium was divided into six consecutive sessions over three days, three on the first day, two on the second, and one on the last day. Each session had a pre-selected chairman. The following are brief remarks on these papers: Session One, February, 2, 2002; Chairman: Prof. Dr. R. Said: This session began with three short welcome words by the organizers. They expressed their appreciation for the Pope's invitation and hospitality as well as reiterating the importance of the site and its study, role of the symposium, and the Pope's role in the resurgence of monasticism. Three other presentations followed.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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