SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Coptic Language Corner (1) (by Hany N. Takla)

af j vo n ous/ri v/ etafmou] e rof je mi,a/l. menenca hanrompi afse e kepolic nem pef/i e erhwb m mau. eta tef c himi er h me n rompi pechai catotf afmou. n yoc acmou] e pimona,oc picon n te pechai> e tamof eybe pimou m pefcon. etafcwtem n je pimona,oc> afer e tin n ] c himi n sorp je ou/r ne nirompi ne hoou n te pewnq; ] c himi aftomt eybe paiqotqet. pejac naf n kecop je pahai pekcon afmou. pimona,oc afer e tin e roc m paiqotqet n kecop. qen t qa e acjw m moc je h me n rompi. pimona,oc aferou w nac je ]nou ai e mi je pacon afmou. aftamoc men m v/ etafswpi nwou n sorp etausini e abba kurilloc pipatriar,/c nem nicaji etaftamwou. mare v meu i m v/ eyouab swpi neman m m/ini.

acswpi de qen ni e hoou n te pipatriar,/c abba kurilloc pimah6 a oumona,oc nem pefcon qen t carx se nwou sa pipatriar,/c efer e tin m mof ec mou m pefcon v/ e ]nase ep semmo eauctralia. pipatriar,/c nt sebi w afjoc m pefcon je> , nase ep semmo e amerika ouoh , na[i n ou c himi nak ouoh , na j vo n ous/ri v/ e, namou] e rof je mi,a/l. palin on , namou qen p jin y re tef c himi er h me n rompi. pimona,oc nem pefcon nautomt ouoh m poucaji nh li alla autwoun au]vi nt jij m pipatriar,/c ouoh af i e bol. menenca hanm/s ne hoou picon au i e amerika mv r/] eta pipatriar,/c joc naf. afswpi qen loc aggeloc. af[i n ou c himi n rem n ,/mi ouoh afouwn n oukouji na gora n rem n ,/mi qaten ]ek k l/ci a m mau. Introduction: The Society continued its efforts in organizing the smaller one-day Coptic Studies conferences, or Coptic MiniConferences. These quarterly gatherings are designed to give more opportunities to students in the field rather than established scholars. Though the contribution of the latter is welcomed. Each MiniConference includes a small book exhibit and demonstrations of the Society's on-going work. Attendance: About 16 persons were in attendance during the two sessions of this MiniConference. Attendees were primarily members of the Society in the Southern California Area.

The Fourth St. Shenouda MiniConference of Coptic Studies (March 22, 2003 - Los Angeles California) (by Hany N. Takla)

Schedule: The following was the schedule for the MiniConference: 10:10-10:05 a.m. Welcome Address by Hany N. Takla

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter 10:05-10:50 a.m. Rev. Gerald Fish, Sacramento – The Research into the Kalenjian Culture in Kenya 10:50-11:00 am Break 11:00-11:30 a.m. Rev. Gerald Fish - The Language of the Kalenjian and its affinity to the Ancient Egyptian

11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Exhibit tour and Lunch. 1:00-2:00 p.m. Ms Lilian Nawar - Relationship between Egyptian Arabic and Ancient Egypt .


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