SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

Reading Name, except for the Psalm and the Gospel Name of the biblical book Coptic Chapter No. A short incipit of the reading in Arabic, except for Psalms

A short conclusion of the reading in Arabic, except for Psalms, There are no readings included for the Evening and for the Morning Raising of Incense. This indicates that the liturgy during these days were not preceded by such services as is customary these days.

Detailed Listing of the Readings found in the Manuscript

Legend: 1Cor

- 1 st St. Paul Epistle to the Corinthians

Gal Heb Jam Jud Jn Lk Mk Mt

- St. Paul Epistle to the Galatians - St. Paul Epistle to the Hebrews

- 1 st Epistle of St. John - 1 st Epistle of St. Peter

1Jn 1Pet

- Epistle of St. James - Epistle of St. Jude - Gospel of St. John - Gospel of St. Luke - Gospel of St. Mark - Gospel of St. Matthews

- 1 st St. Paul Epistle to the Thessalonians - 1 st St. Paul Epistle to Timothy - 2 nd St. Paul Epistle to the Corinthians - 2 nd St. Paul Epistle to the Thessalonians - 2 nd St. Paul Epistle to Timothy - St. Paul Epistle to the Colossians - St. Paul Epistle to the Ephesians - Acts of the Apostles

1Thes 1Tim 2Cor 2Thes 2Tim

Act Col Eph


- Paul Epistle to the Philippians


- Book of Psalms


- Paul Epistle to the Romans

1 st Wednesday of Tut

1Tim (1) 1:1-6 Jam (1) 1:1-8 Act (35) 19:11-13 Mt (28) 11:11-15 1Tim (2) 1:12-16 Jam (1) 1:12-15 Act (35) 19:14-17 Mt (23) 9:14-17 2Tim (1) 1:1-7 Jam (3) 1:16-21 Act (35) 19:18-20 Mk (3) 1:21-28 2Tim (1) 1:12-2:2 Jam (3) 1:22-27 Act (38) 20:1-7 Ps 40:4,13 Ps 16:6-7 Ps 16:13b

Pauline Catholic Psalm Gospel Pauline Catholic Psalm Gospel Pauline Catholic Psalm Gospel Pauline Catholic Acts Acts Acts

1 st Friday of Tut

2 nd Wednesday of Tut

2 st Friday of Tut


St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter Psalm Ps 17:18-19 Gospel Lk (9) 4:38-44 3 rd Wednesday of Tut Pauline Gal (6) 5:25-6:3

Jam (4) 2:1-4


Act (38) 20:17-18


Ps 15:1,2

Psalm Gospel Pauline Catholic

Mt (22) 9:1-8 2Cor (1) 1:1-5 1Jn (1) 1:1-4

3 rd Wednesday of Tut


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