SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004


SUBSCRIBER'S EDITION Quarterly Newsletter Published by the St. Shenouda Center for Coptic Studies

1494 S. Robertson Blvd., Ste. 204, LA, CA 90035

Tel: (310) 271-8329 Fax: (310) 558-1863

Mailing Address: 1701 So. Wooster St. Los Angeles, CA 90035, U.S.A.

October, 2003

Volume 10(N.S. 7), No. 1

In This Issue: The Fifth St. Shenouda Coptic Conference (4) ........................................................... 1 Popes of Rome and Patriarchs of Constantinople in the Coptic Antiphonarion .... 8 Book Reviews ................................................................................................................. 15 News ................................................................................................................................ 16 The Fifth St. Shenouda Conference of Coptic Studies (August 22-23, 2003 - Los Angeles California) (4) (by Hany N. Takla)

Introduction: The Society’s tradition of bringing the flavor of Coptic scholarship to Los Angeles continued for another year. This past year marked our fifth 2-day conference and seventh consecutive meeting that members of the Coptic community and the Scholarly community in North America collaborated to further the m in goal of our Society. Such goal, reviving and promoting the Coptic Heritage, was well served and greatly advanced by such gathering through the presenters as well as the attendees. It is hoped that such tradition continues and grows in the proper direction for which it was originally conceived. Introduction: The Society’s tradition of bringing the flavor of Coptic scholarship to Los Angeles continued for another year. This past year marked our fourth 2-day conference and sixth consecutive meeting that members of the Coptic community and the Scholarly community in North America collaborated to further the main goal of our Society. Such goal, reviving and promoting the Coptic Heritage, was well served and greatly advanced by such gathering through the presenters as well as the attendees. It is

hoped that such tradition continues and grows in the proper direction for which it was originally conceived. Attendance and Participants: About 60-70 persons attended part or all of this two-day conference, faculty members and students as well as Coptic clerics and laymen. The majority was from the greater Los Angeles area, but several came from all over the country as well as Canada and Egypt. Bishop Serapion , the Coptic Bishop of Los Angeles was scheduled to attend and participate, but the funeral of the Departed Hegemon Daniel Farag, a long time supporter of the activities of the Society, prevented him and all the ordained clergy from attendance, especially on the second day. Several of the presenters came from different parts of the United States, Canada, and Egypt: Prof. Boulos Ayad Ayad , Boulder CO; Dr. Gawdat Gabra, Cairo, Egypt ; Dr. Helene Moussa , Toronto, Canada; Mr. Mark Moussa , Alexandria, VA. The rest of the presenters were from the Greater Los Angeles Area. Most significantly among them were first time

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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