SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

n tan e rwou ouoh m perenten e qoun epiracmoc alla nahmen e bol ha endân ârôû ûôh embarendan âχûn abirasmôs alla nahman âûl ha pipethwou qen p ,c i /c pen [c . Am/n bibathôû χan biχristos Îsûs banchois Amîn BIBLIOGRAPHY Very few authors have taken up this subject. The following are amongst the best known. I must however state that I have not consulted any of them nor have even seen their writings. 1. J. D YNELY P RINCE . "The modern pronunciation of Coptic in the Mass." Journal of the American Oriental Society , Vol. xxiii. 1902, pp. 289-306. 2. M. DE R OCHEMONTEIX . "La pronunciation moderne du Copte dans la Haute-Egypte." Mem. De la Soc. De Linguistique de Paris , vii 3, 1891, etc. The Fifth St. Shenouda MiniConference of Coptic Studies (December 20, 2003 - Los Angeles California) (by Hany N. Takla)

Objectives in Abba Shenoute's Discourses (5 and 8) 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Informal discussions. Presentations: There were three presentations delivered during the day, a brief description of each is as follows: a. The Relationship between the Coptic Church and the Church of England (1836-1848) by Hany N. Takla: This paper revolved around a recent Library acquisition of a book containing a collection of letters found among the papers of Archbishop Howsley in regards to the Coptic Church. The book was printed for private circulation among English missionaries in 1883. More details about this electronic presentation are included in a separate article in this Newsletter. b. Legal Aspects of Papyrus. British Museum 7597 by Dr. Monica Bontty. In this paper, the presenter introduced a very clever methodology in the study of Coptic Law, the subject of her doctoral dissertation. Traditionally, researchers in this field, concentrate all their efforts into the documentary or non-literary sources. Dr. Bontty expanded the scope of the field by looking for legal matters within literary sources, like patristic and hagiographic texts. The text used here was

Introduction: The Society continued its efforts in organizing the smaller one-day Coptic Studies conferences, or Coptic MiniConferences. These quarterly gatherings are designed to give more opportunities to students in the field rather than established scholars. Though the contribution of the latter is welcomed and gratefully received. Each MiniConference includes a small book exhibit and demonstrations of the Society's on- going work. Attendance: About 15 persons were in attendance during the two sessions of this MiniConference. Attendees were primarily members of the Society in the Southern California Area. Schedule: The following was the schedule for the MiniConference:

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter 10:00-10:50 a.m. Hany N. Takla, The Relationship between the Coptic Church and the Church of England (1836-1848) 10:50-11:00 am Break 11:00-11:50 a.m. Dr. Monica Bontty, Legal

Aspects of Papyrus. British Museum 7597 12:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Exhibit tour and Lunch. 1:00-2:00 p.m. Mr. Mark R. Moussa, Monastic Vows Monastic Vows and Communal


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