SSCN Voumes 1-10, 1994-2004

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter

List of Documents: The following is a listing of the 53 documents included in the book: 1. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 5/28/1836. 2. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 6/4/1836. 3. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Doctor's Commons, dated 6/13/1836 4. Attached letter in French to #3 to H. Tattam, with no published date. 5. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Paris, dated 6/22/1836. 6. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 10/6/1837 7. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 11/5/1837 8. Memorial Written by H. Tattam in 1838 with an attached commentary. 9. Attached letter to #8 from Bishop of London to Rev. Grimshawe, with no published date. 10. Attached letter to #8 from the Archbishop to H. Tattam from Lambeth, dated 4/17/1838. 11. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 9/27/1839. 12. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 10/24/1839. 13. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 10/24/1839. 14. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 11/12/1839. 15. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 12/24/1839. 16. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 3/6/1840. 17. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 3/6/1840. 18. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 3/11/1840. 19. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 3/27/1840. 20. Letter from T. S. Grimshawe to the Archbishop from Jerusalem, dated 4/7/1840. 21. Detailed plan presented by J. Lieder to H.H. Pope Peter VII of Alexandria, dated 2/13/1840.

22. Letter from T. S. Grimshawe to the Archbishop from Biddenham, transmitting #21, dated 7/17/1840. 23. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 6/22/1840. 24. An abbreviated list of Syriac manuscripts brought from Egypt, attached to #23, undated. 25. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 5/7/1841. 26. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 5/13/1841. 27. Formal letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, attached to #26, dated 5/13/1841. 28. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 5/17/1841. 29. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 5/19/1841. 30. Letter from R. Lieder to the Archbishop from Borough, dated 11/26/1841 31. Translated Letter, attached to #30 above, from H.H. Pope Peter VII of Alexandria to the Archbishop from Cairo, dated 10/2/1841. 32. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 12/14/1841. 33. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 1/26/1842. 34. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 3/3/1842. 35. Letter from J. Lieder to the Secretaries of the CMS from Borough, dated 5/18/1842. 36. Letter from H. Tattam to J. Lieder from Bedford, dated 4/18/1842. 37. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 7/22/1842. 38. Letter from R. Peel to the Archbishop from Whitehall, dated 7/27/1842. 39. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 7/30/1842. 40. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 8/10/1842. 41. Letter from H. Tattam to the Archbishop from Bedford, dated 8/13/1842. 42. Letter from H. Venn to H. Tattam from Church Missionary House, dated 8/12/1842.

St. Shenouda Coptic Newsletter


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