FlyQ Pilot's Guide


Aircraft marker

FlyQ EFB has several different sizes, colors, and styles of aircraft markers. Tap to select the one you prefer.

Courseline and Rings

The Extended Courseline and Rings layers can be configured based on distance from your aircraft or in terms of time based on your current speed. The Courseline or Rings layer must be turned on for this to have any effect on a map.

Grid type

FlyQ EFB supports the standard Gridded Sectionals system used by CAP groups in the lower 48 states, the increasingly popular Cell Grid system, and the GARS system used primarily by law enforcement officials. The Grid layer must be turned on for this to have any effect on a map.


FlyQ EFB defaults to typical US pilot units of measurements in terms of speed, distance, altitude, and so on such as Kts , NM , and Feet . Tap to change to other units.

Show aircraft marker on map and procedures

In some situations, it may be against regulations to show own-ship position on maps and procedures. This switch disables such display.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 114

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