FlyQ Pilot's Guide


FlyQ EFB includes automatic route creation for nine different CAP and Photographic search patterns. The most common are the Parallel Track and Creeping line but FlyQ EFB has many more. The Grid Search is a special case of the Parallel Track for searching strictly inside a grid cell. In all cases, you tap the Plans tab at the bottom of the screen and go to the New Plan area. Select Search and Rescue as the Routing method then choose the specific Pattern . You’ll see a Preview area towards the bottom of the screen that reflects the search parameters as you enter them. Tap the Preview at any time to see it full-screen.

In the Preview area, a green dot represents the start of the route while a red represents the end.

Tap Create (either at the top or bottom of the New Plan area) to create a flight plan with the specified route; the plan shown in the Preview is not actually created until Create is tapped.

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 125

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