FlyQ Pilot's Guide

Creeping Line

Note: Creeping Line and Parallel Track are almost identical. The difference is that the first leg of a Creeping Line pattern is half the length of all other legs so the pattern effectively sweeps left and right from the starting point. A Parallel Track , by contrast, has all legs of equal length so search begins at the starting point on one end of the corridor rather than the center.



Start at

A standard aviation named point (airport, navaid, etc.), lat/lon, grid reference, navaid with relative distance and bearing, or navaid/navaid intersection. See the Waypoint Entry appendix for details about how to enter these points. Enter either a true course (0-360 degrees) or a named aviation point.

Initial DTK (true) / End at

FlyQ EFB Pilot’s Guide

Version 3.0 (2/8/2018)

Page 134

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